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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 19 - Meeting God - Preparing your Heart for the Encounter

Have you ever had a really big, super important event in your life? Maybe it was a huge test or dissertation in college. Maybe a big job interview for a position that you really wanted. Or maybe a big presentation at work that was given in front of all the big bosses. What about your wedding? Everybody has had events like this in their life and my question for you concerning them is this. How did you prepare for them mentally and emotionally? Did you get nervous? Did you take them so seriously that you lost a little sleep? Right before the event did your hands get a little sweaty?

When I’ve had big events like this in my life it’s all about two things, preparation and focus. We just had a festival at Southcliff yesterday and I was asked to tell the story of Moses. I dressed up like Moses (wig, beard, tunic, staff and all) and recited a dramatic presentation about the life of Moses. It was about 5 minutes long, not too demanding, but it needed to be memorized to the point of being a natural reflex. Memorized to a point that you could present it in a dramatic and engaging fashion no matter the distractions or who is standing in front of you. I bet I practiced that story almost 100 times. God had asked me to do it and I wanted to do it with excellence. And to do that you need to prepare for the event. Mentally and emotionally. (And yes, my hands did get sweaty.)

So, as I sat down early this morning to read and study God’s Word, it struck me about a parallel. In chapter 19 of Exodus, God is beginning the giving of the Law to the people. He will meet Moses on the mountain and then come down and meet the people in a spectacular fashion. But what struck me was the amazing level of methodical and reverential steps that God had in place for His people to meet Him. You see, meeting God is a big deal, yes? I mean meeting the God of the universe, the God that created everything that has ever existed, is quite the meeting indeed. Encountering and beholding God the Father, the giver of everything good, the author of grace, mercy, and goodness is and should be a life changing happening. Listen to the importance God puts upon His people meeting Him.

“The Lord said to Moses, “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.” Then Moses told the Lord what the people had said. And the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow. Have them wash their clothes and be ready by the third day, because on that day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, ‘Be careful that you do not approach the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain is to be put to death. They are to be stoned or shot with arrows; not a hand is to be laid on them. No person or animal shall be permitted to live.’ Only when the ram’s horn sounds a long blast may they approach the mountain. On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. ” Ex 19:9-13, 16-18

Amazing. God took this meeting very seriously and He asked the people to take it very seriously as well. In fact, as God appeared the entire mountain shook, the trumpet blast blared across the entire land and fire, smoke, thunder and lighting filled the sky. The encounter with God was such that “everyone in the camp trembled.” And folks, in my dictionary everyone means everyone. 2 million people shaking in awe before God Almighty. The people were shell-shocked, stunned, scared, amazed and in awe of standing before God. This was an encounter between the all-powerful, Almighty God and His people. A people that He loves and that He has saved from death. A people that He has redeemed and that He asks to worship and serve Him and only Him.

So, my question is this, how do you meet with Almighty God in your life? We talked about big events in life that along with it bring sweaty palms, a racing heart and a pre-occupied mind, but how do you meet God today, tomorrow and this Sunday?

I’ve noticed this trend for a while and it just seems to get worse and worse. I sat yesterday in church and watched people come to meet Almighty God. To encounter the same God that brought forth thunder, lightning, smoke and fire that shook Mount Sinai. To meet the same God that parted the entire Red Sea, slayed 185,000 soldiers in one night with only one angel and well, created the entire universe in 6 days. The very God that sent His only Son here to die and be resurrected so that we will not die but live. And folks, what I see is alarming.

I see people that haven’t “washed their clothes” as our verse states. They look like they have just rolled out of bed and were mowing the lawn before they decided to go and meet God. No preparation. I see people that roll in with big stainless mugs coffee and snuggle into a pew, looking like they are getting ready to read a good thriller by the fire, not tremble before God. No reverence. I see people all throughout the service on their phones as they play games and scroll Facebook to see what the world is doing. No focus. I even see people talking to each other, oblivious to the presence of God and even worse disrupting other's experience of meeting with God. No respect. Folks, this behavior is far from trembling before the Lord in fear and reverence.

You see we’ve got this whole “come as you are” movement going on. Just drag yourself to church in any and every condition. And I support that…to a point. But it sorely needs clarification. You see if you haven’t had a true encounter with the living God, the heart you’re putting before Christ is doing just that, it’s coming as it is, the lost heart of a sinner that needs a Savior to redeem it. But if you have called upon Christ to save you from the eternal death of your sins, then folks you are bringing a redeemed heart before your redeemer. You are no longer coming as you are, but you’re coming as a new creation and He made you that new creation. You are coming to meet your God that has redeemed you, made you a new creation and has given you life instead of the death you deserve. And as you present yourself to Him, washed in the blood of His Son, you are meeting the same God that met the people on Mount Sinai.

As Mount Sinai shook and the sky was ablaze with fire and flashes of lighting, I doubt that people were scrolling through their phones and sipping on latte. They were focused on one thing, worshiping and showing great reverence and respect for their powerful God before them. And they had prepared for this moment.

So, this week, I challenge you. Prepare to encounter God as if it’s a big interview or big presentation. Study His Word as if it’s there’s a big test on Sunday. Find out what your Pastor or Sunday school teacher is teaching on and study up before. Be in prayer this week about meeting God this Sunday in a place where His Body will gather to meet Him in person. To come before Him as a people that are trembling in the presence of His power, goodness, mercy and grace. To stand before Him and sing loudly to the God that has saved your soul. To feel goosebumps on your skin as you encounter the living God as His Holy Spirit fills that place. To revel in awe of His Holy Word as you study it as the Body of Christ. You see, you might not realize it, but you are taking a trip to Mount Sinai this Sunday. Show up with your heart ready and be prepared to see God.

If you’re reading this you’re being prayed for.

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Oct 14, 2019

Dan, Thank you for praying for me. I reverently approach the Presence of God and honor His holy name. If you have a video of you portraying Moses I would love to see it.

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