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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 27 - The Way to God

Welcome to chapter 27 of Exodus. Today we continue with God’s instructions for the tabernacle, the place where the Israelite nation will worship Almighty God. So far, we’ve seen the very specific directions for the overall dimensions of the tabernacle, the Holy of Holies and the Holy place. We’ve also seen the careful directions for the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, the table of showbread and the lampstand and the materials to be used for each. Today we will see additional instructions for the outside court and the altar of sacrifice.

It’s important to notice that in each and every set of construction directions that every piece is made portable. The Ark of the Covenant for instance, has gold rings built onto the sides where gold-plated poles would be inserted so that the Ark could be transported easily. The same with the other worship pieces. The entire Tabernacle was meant by God to be completely portable so that it could be disassembled, moved and then reassembled quickly and easily. This would be done as often as the Israelites moved camp which was very often. What you are seeing is a completely portable, easily moved, mobile church.

But what God spoke to me today is not about the mobility, not about the dimensions, not about the gold, bronze or acacia wood, but the process. The flow. The way to God.

Imagine this with me. You are an Israelite. You have recently been freed from the savage hand of Pharaoh and a life of tortuous slavery in Egypt. You followed Moses out of the land and witnessed the mighty hand of God split the Red Sea as you walked right through. A miracle that saved your life and as a result, changed your life. Now you find yourself and your family following Moses on the dry, rocky plains of the desert, trusting fully in God’s provision for your daily bread and water. You owe so much to God, your very life, He is good indeed. You simply want to worship God, to praise Him for all that He has done and continues to do in your life. So, what does your worship look like?

Well, you would love to approach God and tell Him, but that just cannot happen. You see to look upon the Ark of the Covenant, where God resides, is certain death. Moses has told the people that no one can look at, approach or especially touch the Ark. You see a Holy God cannot be in the presence of sin. But there is a way to draw nearer to God.

You first approach the outer wall of the tabernacle and enter into the courtyard. The first thing you will encounter is the Bronze altar. Bronze represents the judgement of God and it is here that a sacrifice must be presented to the Lord before you can move any closer to Him. A sacrifice, the blood of an innocent animal must be shed here at this altar. Your sins must be dealt with before you can approach a perfect, Holy, Righteous God. Step one, innocent blood must be shed.

Next, you will encounter in the outer courtyard, the Bronze Laver. Here you will wash and become clean. You are about to come near to God and even with your sins atoned for, you must prepare yourself. You must be cleansed of the filth of the world before you can come close to a perfectly clean, righteous God. After you wash in the bronze laver you are allowed to continue the process to move closer to Almighty God. You can now enter the Holy Place. In the Holy place resides the Golden lampstand, the gold trimmed table of showbread and the altar of incense, plated in pure gold. You see as you move into the Holy place, you move from the judgement of God, bronze, into the near presence of God, gold. As you stand in awe, closer to God now, you can’t help but gaze upon the veil. The beautiful veil is made of blue, purple and scarlet yarns and fine woven linen and is a sight to behold. But what is on the other side of this veil is too much to process. The Ark of the Covenant, the very throne of God is on the other side. But you can never enter. As a commoner you can never approach God and partake in His glorious splendor. Only the High Priest can go in there. He and he alone can approach God. If only there was a way, a way to get to God. You would so love to worship and praise God for His rich goodness to you and for the mercy He extends every day. If only there were a way.

Folks, God made a way. He sent a sacrifice. A sacrifice for you and for me that will satisfy the needs of the bronze altar in the outer courtyard. He sent a sacrifice that will cleanse us at the bronze laver. The precious blood of this sacrifice will cover the filth of our sins forever, washing us white as snow before the Father. And as we move closer to God and encounter that veil, we no longer need to stop. We can keep moving, closer and closer to our God. You see when God sent His only Son Jesus Christ, He sent Him to be the final sacrifice. No longer will the endless cycle of sacrifices be needed. As Jesus Christ hung on that Cross and cried out, “It is Finished”, something happened that changed the world. The veil was torn and access to God was made full. Folks, no longer do you need anyone to access God for you, you can walk into the Holy of Holies and approach the God of the Universe. You can kneel at the feet of the very God that created the entire universe. You can sing praises at the top of your lungs to the very God that created you, and it will reach His ears. The Creator and the created united.

There are not enough praises in all the lands to praise God for sending Jesus. Because of Jesus, it all changed. Because of Jesus, we can approach a Righteous God. Because of Jesus we can have an eternal home in Heaven in the presence of God. Because of Jesus we can not only have eternal life, but we can have abundant, purposeful life in Him today. Because of Jesus we are free. Free indeed.

Do not let another minute pass by today without praising God for sending His Son Jesus to be our Savior. Salvation cost us nothing but it costs God so much. It wasn’t always so easy to come to God. Because of Jesus, you no longer have to stop at the veil.

The way to God is clear.

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