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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 3 - Taking God's Call

Let’s talk about the history of the telephone. Yep, you heard me right, the good ol’ telephone. We won’t go back as far as Alexander Graham Bell but let’s do go back as far as the rotary phone. For those with a little gray at the temples, I’m sure you’ll recall that bulky plastic apparatus with the big circular plastic dial on front. Now I want you to think of something. When that old rotary phone rang, how would you answer it? You didn’t know who was calling so what did you do? Well, you just answered it and talked to whoever was on the other end. Pretty simple right? Not much thought involved. But then years later we were introduced to caller ID. Now think specifically about how this changed the way you answered your phone. Your phone rings the same but yet you answer it much differently. You now check the caller ID to see who it is first. In this moment many things happen within your synapses and neurons. An evaluation process occurs. Do I like this person? What is my relationship to this person? Is it good? Has it been bad recently? Do they want something from me? Are they annoying? All of this is deduced and evaluated simply from the ringing of a phone.

Flash forward to the smart phones of today. More options. When your phone rings today you can decline the call altogether, ignoring the call and the person. You can forward it directly to voicemail and not even bother with it until later. You can block the call and not allow the caller into your life. So many options in how we allow or don’t allow calls into our life. But I have one huge question for you. Say today at 2:12pm your cell phone rings, and you do as you always do, you look at the screen to see who is calling. As you do, all you see are three letters, in all caps…..GOD. What do you do when it’s time to take God’s call?

In Exodus chapter 3 today we see Moses’ cell phone ring, but it is more dramatic than any custom ring tone you can download today. It is in the form of a burning bush. But don’t be misled by the fiery shrubbery, it is simply God calling Moses, to see if and how he will answer. I notice a few things in the study of our scripture this morning that seems to ring true (pun intended) in how I’ve seen God call in my life as well as in the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Here’s a quick study on what it looks like to “take the call of God.”

The first step is the ring. That audible notice that summons us. Somebody calls you because they want to talk to you. Here is the absolute crucial moment in taking God’s call. Do you answer? I think we would all want to say that we would answer and answer quickly, but that’s just not the truth. As we see that caller ID spell out G-O-D, it can put fear into our hearts. You see taking God’s call is all about the heart and the condition it is in when that phone rings. And the condition of your heart towards God depends on many factors. How close to God are you? Are you in God’s Word daily? Do you regularly go to God in prayer? Are you serving God through serving others? Are you a vital part of a local body of believers? Are you giving God your time, your talent and your treasure? The closer to God you are, the more likely you are to swipe that screen and take the call of God. You wouldn’t take a call from a stranger, is God a stranger to you today?

If and when you do answer God’s call, just listen. God will first do the talking. He will let you know what’s on His mind and how you can serve Him. You see my friend, you are a beautiful, beautiful creation. God made you perfect just the way you are. He made you in a specific way for a specific purpose and a specific reason. A purpose and reason that no one else can fulfill the way you can. And God wants to see you fulfill that purpose. That’s why He’s calling.

Now that God has spoken and made His request, it’s your time to process and respond. Folks, here is where it gets tricky. Here’s where satan, our baggage, our doubts and our fears block the way like a landslide on a twisty mountain road. You see if we take the call from God, satan will not be happy. In fact, satan’s job is to either deter or completely halt the work of God. If he can stop it from ever starting, he is victorious and it will save him time later. So, guess how this evil influence can factor into our automatic responses to God? See if some of these responses sound familiar.

> I’m not good enough to be used by God, He can never use somebody that has done the things I’ve done.

> I’m not smart enough to serve God, I’ve never even gone to seminary.

> I’m not ready to serve God, I need more preparation.

> I’m not worthy to serve God, He will surely ask someone else that's better, a great man or women of God to do this.

> People will not follow me or listen to me, they will doubt that I am really called by God to do this.

> I’m just too busy, I can barely run my life, how will I find time to serve God too?

Folks, all of these are lies. Lies directly from the mouth of satan. You are good enough, you are worthy, you are prepared, you can make the time and people will follow you. And the reason? Because God has called you and who God calls, He equips. Through the blessed gifts of God that He has given you, you can serve Him and bring Him glory. Don’t let your doubts hinder you taking the call of God. Doubting yourself is doubting God.

As your phone call with God progresses to this point, you will notice something. God will fully recognize your apprehension and He will respond to your fears and doubts. And these will be some of God’s responses to you.

> Do not fear and do not be afraid, for I will be with you. The God of the universe, the God that created the world in 6 days, the God of Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Jacob and David will be by your side. You see, you will not be doing anything by yourself, in fact you can’t. You can’t truly serve God without God. Anytime we serve God and fulfill His requests, He is doing the work, we are merely blessed to see Him work through us.

> My plan is perfect, do not doubt. What God asks of you has already been completed, you just haven’t been made aware yet. You may have a bevy of doubts about your ability or the plan, but God has gone ahead of you. Have great faith in God and that His plan is perfect.

> My plan is a promise. God’s promises are the strongest force the world has ever known. When you deal with God and His promises, you can rest assured that it will ring true in time.

So, you might be asking, “where is the lesson on Moses and the Bush, Dan?” Where is the tie-in? Check this out.

> God calls Moses - God made the bush erupt in flames and Moses saw. “and the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush” Ex 3:2a

> Moses answers the call – He stops what he’s doing in the middle of his work day, turns around and goes to the Angel of the Lord. It was only after he went to the Angel that God spoke. He took the call. “And Moses said, I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned. When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him.” Ex 3:3-4

> God speaks and makes a request – “ And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” God lets Moses know what He had built him to do and gave him specific instructions on how to do it.

> Moses doubts – “But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Ex 3:11 “Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” Ex 4:1 Moses was a man. A real man that had real doubts, fears and anxieties about serving God. He didn’t feel worthy, prepared or equipped. He didn’t think people would listen to him. Sound familiar?

> God comforts and encourages – “But I shall be with you” Ex 3:12a “I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt” Ex 3:17a “and they will listen to your voice” Ex 3:18a God had been training Moses for the last 40 years in the desert of Midian, Moses just didn’t know yet how equipped he was to do what God was asking.

So, you might be wondering just what kind of request God might have for you when he dials you up. Well, that of course is for you to find out after you answer God’s call, but start small. More than likely the first call from God will not be for you to preach to football stadiums of people or move to Africa and start an orphanage. God usually makes small requests and then works you up to bigger ones as you grow in your obedience to Him. The call could be something as simple as serving him in church as a greeter or an usher. Or maybe it’s introducing yourself to all your neighbors and inviting them to church. Or maybe it’s to start a Bible study at work. Whatever it may be, the principles of our study today will apply.

If today you see that God is calling and you doubt your abilities, you are in good company. You are right alongside Moses. God has prepared you for what He has called you to do. Have faith, God is with you and He will work mightily through you. When God calls, take the call, it’s what He made you to do.


The sun sets between Lanai and Molokai

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