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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 31 - You are Gifted by God

Do you ever wonder why you like the things you like? Do you think that the minute you were born you developed a passion for cars, quilting or cooking? I mean really, when do you think that an individual’s passions and gifts are recognized? I think most would say as a child. That somehow the deep desire to be a doctor or a ski instructor automatically kicks in when we are 7. Nope, go back earlier. Well surely you can’t fully understand your passions and talents when you’re under 7 can you? Nope, go back even earlier. Conception? Nope, even earlier. What would you think if I said the beginning of time?

You see, you my friend, are a glorious planned event by the God of all creation. You are not a number, a random face or a just another body inhabiting the Earth in the year 2019. God had you already planned as He was creating the Heavens and the Earth and first scattering light over their surface. You are a miracle that God created, and He created you to be exactly as you are. Every cell. Listen to this:

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” Jeremiah 1:5a

Think about this. The Holy Word of God says that even before you were conceived, He knew you. And further, He set you apart. You see, God built you in a very precise way to fulfill a very precise purpose…for Him. Yes, all for Him. Let’s look at our focus verses pertaining to this in Exodus chapter 31.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, to help him. Also, I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I have commanded you” Ex 31:1-6

This topic has been revealed to me in wonderful ways in the last few years as God has allowed us to serve in many different places all over the world. I've met people that God has gifted in very specific ways and even though they may not have fully realized it, they were fully utilizing those gifts to serve God and thereby glorify Him by embracing the very person that He made them to be. Now when we think of serving God, most really limit the realm of possibility. We think of a pastor behind the pulpit on a Sunday morning preaching the Word of God. Or a guitar player up on stage strumming away as they sing. Or a greeter or an usher, or the people who collect the offerings. You see I call it the “face mentality.” If we see their faces regularly, we think they are (or can) somehow serve God better than we can. But what about the faces that can’t be seen? What about the millions of faces behind the scenes that are serving and glorifying God with the gifts God has given them?

Folks, hear this, if you are serving God with a pure heart using the gifts He has given you, there is no good, better or best. The person delivering food to the hungry is just as valued by God as a Pastor preaching to ten thousand people. Don’t sell yourself short and don't sell God short. Serve God with the gifts, passions and talents He has given you, it’s what He made you to do. Don’t look at someone else’s gifts and yearn for them. Don’t try to be a teacher of God’s Word if you’re just not good at it. In our verses this morning, you didn’t see the talented craftsmen yearning to wear Aaron’s priestly attire and enter the Holy of Holies, it’s not what God made them to do. And at the same time, Aaron didn’t try to build the Ark or the intricate cherubim on the mercy seat, God didn’t give him the talent to do it and he didn’t try. You see, God creates each of us in unique ways with unique talents and they all fit together perfectly when we serve Him together as a body. The body of Christ. (1 Cor 12:12-27)

Speaking of serving God with the talents, gifts and skills He has given you, I’d like to share a story with you.

In Maui the church would cook and serve dinner at the homeless shelter every other Tuesday night and Marge and I would go and help serve as often as we could. As we finished serving, we would walk the cafeteria and visit with the people. Over time we got to know some of them very well. One dear lady was partially crippled and had poor vision, but she shared with us about her love to sew. One week she brought with her a few small brightly colored girl’s dresses. She said that she couldn’t do much because of her condition but she could sit in her chair and make these dresses. She then proceeded to tell us that when she had made about a hundred, she would give them to a local church and they would take them on a mission trip and give them away. Wow. But wait. The next month she brought a photo album and proceeded to show us countless photos of young girls in third world countries wearing the dresses she had made. Folks, it would be an understatement to say that the smiles went on for miles on the faces of these precious young girls. The faces of the world, faces she would never see, lit up by her love for them. The gift of a new dress, a brightly colored one at that, was a gift that touched their hearts. And as a result, it touched mine. This woman was not a preacher. She would never be on TV proclaiming the Word of God to thousands of people. She was not a carpenter God gifted to build the tabernacle. God didn’t build her to do that. God built her to sew and He made her to love doing it. And out of her love of sewing, God’s children were being blessed.

Look in the mirror today and ask yourself, what gifts and passions has God built into me? Start by making a list of your hobbies. I’ve heard it said that you can define your true passion by whether or not you’d be willing to do it for free. What would you be willing to do for free today? Look at that list and then go farther. How can you physically serve God in these passion areas? It might seem impossible, but folks Jesus says, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” If you are willing to offer the talents that He has given you back to Him, He will make a way.

Serve God with the gifts that He has first given you. When you do you will experience a joy that will cause your spirit to soar as He lifts you ever so high. Why? It’s what He built you for.


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