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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 36 - Stop, You're Giving Too Much

Money. It’s said that it makes the world go round but if we’re honest it’s just the opposite, the world revolves around money. It’s just a necessary element of life, you gotta have money to live. Car insurance, food, electricity, car, gas, clothes, a place to live. The list can go on as long as you can keep naming needs, wants and luxuries. It’s a given that we all need certain things in life that can only be bought and paid for with money. You just gotta have it.

The thing with money is not the question of whether or not you need it, it’s the question of how much you think you need. There’s a leadership element that I teach at work and it deals with just this. But instead of mentioning money directly, we ask, “what is your definition of success?” It’s rather hard for me to even stomach the answers anymore. I specifically work with international university students from all over the world so you can’t just say this is an American thing…it’s a global thing. It’s a human thing. About 90% of the answers I field from this question have to do with money. Success = money and money = success. Somehow since the garden of Eden we have evolved to think that pieces of printed paper determine our success, worth and joy in this world. I’d love to hop in a DeLorean time machine and have that flux capacitor whisk me back to the garden of Eden so I could ask Adam and Eve this very question, before they ate that fruit of course. Adam and Eve didn’t even have an understanding of money so how do you think they would have defined their success?

So, you need money, you want money and the world thinks the more you have the better you are. What do you do with money? Did you know that God talks more about dealing with money in His Word than He does Heaven, Hell or Salvation? God has a lot to say about money because He knew that we would need a lot of help dealing with money. He knew that money would tear families apart, cause people to embezzle millions from others, destroy countless marriages, and even motivate people to sell out their own lives as they work 70+ hours a week to chase that ever elusive brass ring. But out of all of God’s wisdom on dealing with money there is one verse that I believe sums it up quickly, easily and succinctly. In fact, it’s one of the most mis-quoted verses in God’s Word, if you miss one word the whole thing falls apart.

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1 Tim 6:10 KJV

For the LOVE of money. Do you love money or is money a tool to you? You see if it slips into love, you’ve got problems. Paul in his letter to his young disciple Timothy is clear to warn him and all those that hear this letter that the love of money will never be static. Just as your love can grow for people your love can grow for money. As a result, God tells us in this verse that it will lead to a covetous greed that will pierce you through like a grief tipped arrow. A dire warning indeed.

But in our study passage this morning we will see a situation that is completely the opposite. In fact, this is an anomaly in God’s Word. It’s the only time we see this in God’s Word and to be honest it might be the only time I’ve even heard of this. Please allow me to set it up.

As the Israelite people were fleeing slavery in Egypt, God had prompted all Egyptians to give them their valuables. Gold, silver, bronze, gems, fine fabric and rare spices and oils. Remember that in 1600BC there was no printed currency, society was based on barter and it was propped up by valuable items, not cash. Now as it’s time to build the tabernacle which would be the dwelling place of God, He asks for the items back to build the tabernacle. And as He asks, we see this amazing situation occur:

“Then Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work. They received from Moses all the offerings the Israelites had brought to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary. And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. So all the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left what they were doing and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done. Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more.” Exodus 36:2-7

Wow. Now think about what you’re hearing. Think deeply about what is happening here. Israel has been in slavery for 430 years in Egypt. Dirt poor, hungry, wearing rags and living in filth. Slaving away every day making bricks in the blazing relentless Egyptian sun. Now imagine that as you are leaving Egypt in a rush, the dreadful sounds of the Passover still ringing in your ears, that there’s a knock at your door. It’s one of your wealthy Egyptian neighbors and as you open the door, he hands you a large goatskin satchel and turns and walks away. You stand there holding it, utterly confused. You shut the door and open up the bag, curious as to what it could be. Your heart stops. Inside is a vast fortune. Large nuggets of gold and silver weigh down your hands and at the bottom you can see something managing to gleam even in the dim light. A massive gemstone. You quickly close the bag and look around. Is this a joke? This is enough money to allow you and your family to live in luxury for the rest of your lives. You’ve gone from a poor slave to a wealthy landowner in mere seconds.

Now fast forward to God asking for donations to construct the temple. The same hands that received this fortune are now giving it back. And not just these two hands, but so many hands are giving back to God that’s there’s too much. So much that Moses has to make an announcement and tell the people to stop. Folks, the hearts of these poor impoverished people simply gave back to God what He had first given them. This is powerful times infinity.

Now don’t think I’m gonna somehow spin this into a lecture that says you should give all your money to God. Hear this next part very clearly. If you have a thriving personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He and He alone will speak to your heart about giving back to Him. And folks, don’t let anybody else influence your giving to God but God alone. He prompted these people to give by personally stirring their hearts and they responded in an amazing way. There are tons of dishonest “religious” organizations out there that only want your money to add another Lear Jet to their fleet or another vacation home to their portfolio. Even preachers and church leaders can and will fall prey to the love money, sad but true.

I’ve heard it said that a good rule of thumb is that you should financially support where you get your blessings. It’s a rather funny analogy, but let’s compare the movies and church. If I decide to go the movies it will cost me about $15 for a ticket and then another $20 for popcorn and a coke. I don’t have a choice, pay it or don’t go. But when it comes to visiting a church you can walk in on a Sunday, hear worship music, hear the teaching of God’s Word and all of it in a building that has to be heated, cooled and maintained for this purpose. And you can walk in and walk out for free. What an odd thought. The most valuable thing in this world is your soul and the care of it, and we put the smallest monetary value upon it. It’s the world we live in, one thoroughly in control of satan. (John 12:31, 2 Cor 4:4) Financially support where you receive your blessings. If you receive a blessing from it, talk to God about supporting it with the money He has already given you.

Money. A necessary tool in our lives today but treat it as just that…a tool. The Israelites saw their new found treasure as just that, a tool that God had given them to build the tabernacle. God would dwell amongst them in that tabernacle for years, caring, loving and protecting them. I pray that one day everyone that is reading these words can experience the pure joy of hearing God say….Stop, you’re giving too much.


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