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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 40 - Moving with God

Today is a big day. Today concludes our study of the book of Exodus. 40 chapters studied in 40 days. As we started this book, we saw God's people in the gloom of the brickyards of Egypt, generations of slaves with not even memories of freedom. 40 chapters later we see them in the wilderness in the presence of the temple with the Glory of God personally guiding them. What a beautiful picture of how God's mercy and grace can, and still does, give freedom from lives in bondage.

Speaking of the glory of God, let’s talk. Better yet, let’s let God talk. About His Glory, about His presence and better yet, about how He leads His people yesterday and today. Let’s go to God’s Word.

“Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Throughout all their journeys, whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out till the day that it was taken up. For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys.” Exodus 40:34-38

The glory of God. We see it finally able to rest within the tabernacle (dwelling place) that we have seen under planning and construction since Exodus chapter 25. Fifteen chapters of instruction, planning, collecting, building and assembling. And today it is erected, and the glory of God moves in. A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. A physical manifestation of the Lord as He makes himself known before His people. The Shekinah glory of God.

But what’s really fascinating here is how the people react to the presence of God. If He stays, they stay. If He goes, they go. If He stays put for 23 days, they stay put for 23 days. If He travels for 4 days, they travel for 4 days. They never moved by their own wisdom or judgment. They did not elect a church council to vote on whether or not to move. They did not ask for people’s opinions on whether or not they thought they should move. They merely watched God. Folks, this passage gives me goose bumps in its simplicity. A people that love and worship God, simply following Him wherever and whenever He may lead. Sheep simply following their Shepherd in faith.

As we were serving out in Maui, I was working the night shifts selling aloha shirts at Tommy Bahama. I would serve at the church in the morning and then work until 11 every night. I would usually take a few hours off in the early afternoon and if you know me, you know where I spent it, on the beach. I would always have my beach chair in the truck and on the way home from the church I would stop at canoe beach, grab my favorite spot in the sand and study God’s Word in the sun. As I did, I had competition for my attention. God’s amazing South Pacific Ocean.

It was truly mesmerizing as it spread out before me. The island of Lanai to the left and the island of Molokai to the right. In between them the vast ocean stretched out to Asia. The water ended in a blue line on the distant horizon that touched an even bluer line of sky. Blue Hawaii indeed. The way that the water moved would entrance you. The tide, the waves, the surf, the sound. The water was alive with movement. And you know what was the craziest thing? It never stopped. It was always moving, always in action. The waves were crashing upon themselves at noon and when I got home from work at 11, new waves were repeating the process all over again. God’s ocean is constantly in motion.

As children of God, we are no different. But as children of God our motions are not random, they are carefully guided. Just as the Israelites were led daily by God in the pillar of smoke, we today are led by God. But God doesn’t appear to us in a cloud today, it’s quite different. You see, the glory of God, isn’t external anymore, it’s internal. He moved the pillar of smoke inside of us, He gave us His very Spirit to live within us. His Holy Spirit. Amazing for me to even type into this keyboard.

So how do you move today? Do you have a personal guide, or do you just let this life move you wherever it takes you? Folks, if I were to journey the far reaches of Antarctica, I would have a guide, a good one. I would consult someone that had been there or that had great knowledge of the location. Now think about journeying not to a physical location but journeying through life. God created this world and God created you. He knows this world perfectly and He knows you perfectly. He built you and He made you with a very specific purpose. He and He alone can guide you to that purpose. Look to God for directions. Look to the pillar of smoke that is the Holy Spirit and watch for Him to move. When He moves, you move. And when He stays, you stay. You might not like His movements, His timing or His direction at times, but folks, His glory sees far down the path, where our vision is radically limited.

As you journey this life today with God, know that He has equipped you for where He will take you. I talked to a young man last week and as he was preparing for a life of full time ministry, he was racked with doubt and unsurety, just as I have been numerous times in my life. You see as God says move, we question Him. Is the time right? Am I smart enough? Am I good enough? Why would God want to use me, aren't there better people? Folks, if the pillar of cloud says go, you go. If you are moving with God, He knows the time is right and He says you are good enough. He will ensure that you know exactly what you need to know to do exactly what He has called you to do. And this is exactly why He wants to use you and not someone else, because you are willing to let Him lead in His power, not yours.

If you don’t have the Holy Spirit as your personal guide today, you are traveling this world blind. You are on a journey with no idea where you are going, in what direction to head and when you will ever get there. You are lost in this world. But do not fear, you no longer have to be lost. You can have the Holy Spirit today and you can walk securely in the knowledge and guidance of God. You see, God sent His Son here 2000 years ago to make a way for you. To make a way for the lost to find direction. All sin has a cost and we have all sinned and fallen short of pleasing God. The cost of sin requires payment and Jesus Christ made that payment for you, for me, and for all mankind. As He paid that price, He opened up the way to God for you. To make God your God, simply call on Jesus Christ. Ask Him to be your God. Tell Him that you’re a sinner and embrace that what He did upon the Cross will save you from your aimless wondering. He can guide you, He alone knows where you need to go.

As you move and travel with God today, do it with confidence. You have the single best tour guide that has and ever will exist, Almighty God.

Blessings today as you move with God. May your life ebb and flow like the gentle waves of the sea as you simply look to Him for your next steps.

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