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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Ezra 2 - Heart Generated Generosity

“According to their ability they gave…” Ezra 2:69

Of the estimated 285 million evangelical Bible-believing Christ-followers in the world today, God made them each different. Each life that takes the message of Christ into the world, is as individual as a fingerprint. God in His perfect sovereignty creates in just that way. Lives are made by Him, for Him, to be used by Him. And in this way, His kingdom operates. Have you ever wondered why you have a passion for the beach and not snowy mountainscapes? Have you ever wondered why you love Mediterranean foods over Asian? What about why you seem to talk less when some talk so much? All tiny little ridges, islands, and deltas that make up the fingerprint details of your life. A life that God built to serve Him in furthering His kingdom. And when it comes to these abilities and everything they generate; you are to use them to give back to God. To serve the one that made you in the very specific ways that he created you. Not everyone will be a preacher. Not everyone will be a missionary. Not everyone will be a Sunday school teacher or small group leader. Some will take food to those in need. Some will teach kids to read. Some will pray for those that are in the valley of the shadow of death. Some will be a much-needed listening ear to those in the throes of life. But in a point that all 285 million Christ-followers need to hear, your gifts are valuable because God deems them so. No matter how you see your fingerprint, it is a tool God desires to use. And even if you think you have nothing to offer God, it doesn’t let you off the hook. All Christians should be vigorously moving in the direction of active weekly service to the Lord. All should be utilizing their spiritual gifts and God given talents to build up the body of Christ. All should be dying to self, taking up their cross daily and serving the kingdom of God to see the gospel of Jesus Christ move into whatever sphere of influence the Lord has placed them in. All should be giving of themselves in whatever ability the Lord has given them. And yes, this includes financially. In Ezra chapter 2 we see the exiled Israelites released out of Babylonian captivity by God. As they make their way back to Jerusalem after 70 years of forced slavery, they begin the arduous task of rebuilding God’s temple. It was priority number one for the people to reestablish worship to a generous God that had rescued them out of bondage. And as they do, we’re told that each of them gave as they were able. Whether it be one dollar, or 100 dollars doesn’t make a difference to God. What does make a difference to God is the heart that is spurring the hand to give. A generous God expects a generous heart. I heard a wise teacher once say, “you should financially bless where you are receiving your blessing.” A simple equation of determining how God is currently blessing you in your life and the idea that you should be blessing and supporting that avenue. This will change throughout your journey with God, but the one constant should be that wherever and however God is choosing to bless you, that you are bringing the same generous heart into the equation. I am only able to sit here today in the role that God has chosen for me because of generous hearts that have given according to their ability. Thank you to all that generously give as God has instructed them, and thanks to God that He made hearts that when following Christ, chase after His own boundless generosity. Thank you Lord, for those that give of themselves, their time, their talents, and their treasure to see those all over this world have the opportunity to hear the saving name of Jesus Christ.

“One gives freely yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:24-25

The call, Cozumel, MX

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