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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Ezra 5 - Losing Momentum

“Now the prophets, Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel who was over them.” Ezra 5:1

It’s bound to happen eventually. You start a project full of steam, enthusiasm and vigor, only to see the three wane greatly over time. Routine sets in, monotony becomes the new rhythm, and what was new, fresh and exciting, now seems boring and well, uninspired. So how do you combat this daily grind that eventually wears down the best of us? Well, you just have to remember. You have to remember the point and the purpose. We see in Ezra chapter 5 that the Jews have returned from exiled captivity in Babylon and as they did, they proceeded to rebuild the temple of God that had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. They started out with sacrifices, praise, worship music, and grand joyous festivals to the Lord. They started in the power and glory of God because they were firmly in the will of God. And being smack dab in the will of God is a good place to be. But eventually the party died down. Opposition to their building of the temple arose from all sides. Current day lawyers showed up and tried to establish injunctions against their project for God. Powerful kings got involved and ordered the work halted. After a while, the constant friction took its toll and the building slowed and then stopped. We see here in verse one of Ezra that God sent an encourager. A messenger. The prophet Haggai. And just what does the name Haggai mean? “The Lord remembers.” God saw the lost momentum and he sent a messenger of God to encourage. To enliven them, to cause them to be aware that Almighty God was close, in control, and still on His throne. You see, God remembers His children when a hard trail takes its toll. God remember His chosen ones when the path gets perilous. God remembers his servants when the road gets rocky. What are you facing today? Has the world and the evil one that controls it thrown mighty flaming darts at your life? God has not forgotten you and what He called you to, He remembers. Are your relationships being strained under the pressures of the daily grind of Covid life? God has not forgotten, He remembers, and He is in control. Has sickness, cancer, or the death of a dear one taken all the wind out of your sails, leaving you adrift on the high seas of life? God has not and will not ever leave you there, God remembers. Today, no matter what you may be facing that is causing you to question what God is asking you to do, don’t give up. For God remembers your call and He will supply everything you need to see it to completion.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Chinese lantern festival, Ft Worth, TX

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