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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Ezra 7 - The Bible Ninja

“He was a scribe skilled in the Law of Moses…for Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach God’s statutes and rules…” Ezra 7:6, 10

In Japanese history the ninja looms larger than life. In fact, it has taken on a life of its on. It has infiltrated movies, TV, comics, video games, and yes even mutated teenage turtles meant to entertain young imaginations. The ninja was a hired gun, a mercenary that could get tough jobs done quickly, silently, and efficiently. And they did it using stealth, speed, and tactics that were well beyond just standard bodily reflexes. That’s why it’s odd to see the way in which the good prophet Ezra is first described in Ezra chapter 7. We’re told he was a “skilled” scribe in the Law of God. Remember that when Moses first started recording the Law of God it was in Hebrew. In Hebrew, the word used here literally means “rapid”, suggesting a quickness of grasp and speed of movement around the, at times, complicated principles and complex material of God’s Law. Ezra was light on his feet and could move quickly and stealthily as he dealt with the Law of the Lord. Ezra was like a ninja when it came to the Bible. And just what did he use his ninja-like scriptural powers on with God’s Word? He first did what it said. Folks, hear me on this, if you spend your entire life reading the Bible and never do what it says, you have wasted a lot of time. One of the main reasons God left us the miracle of His Word was to guide, instruct, rebuke, encourage, and empower those that call upon the name of Jesus as their Savior. Besides calling the lost to salvation, it’s primarily an instruction book to those that have already called upon Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you don’t read the instruction and assembly book, the end product will display the lack of direction. The other thing Ezra did with the Word of God was teach it. You see, He had a mastery of God’s Law not only in his head but in His heart. And when you have God’s Word stored up in your heart, you will instinctively teach it to others. Out of the abundance of the heart flows the mouth. If you have the goodness and power of God’s Word stored up in your heart, the Holy Spirit will be looking for an opportunity to see it used. Engage in a thorough, deep, daily study of God’s Word. Just like everything else in life, you get out what you put in. Make it your daily priority to give God the best time of your day and then pray for Him to meet you there and allow His Holy Spirit to bless your understanding of His Words. Spend so much time doing this that His Words bubble up from your mouth in daily conversations before your own. Study it so much that your scripture reflex is as sharp and honed as Ezra’s. Then ask God to give you opportunities to share it and teach it to others. But be careful, if you are a Bible ninja and ask God to allow you to teach what He has empowered you with, He will be listening. If you pray this prayer, get ready to teach and get ready to watch God use not you, but the deep knowledge of His Word to change the lives around you. To see those lives then become ninjas in their own right. Study it, do it, teach it. Three steps to seeing Godly spiritual revival sweep the land. Now if I could just find a Bible shaped like a throwing star.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

SMU in bloom, Dallas, TX

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