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Family Business

Writer: Dan PotterDan Potter

“But Jesus answered them, "My Father has been working until now, and I have been working." John 5:17


              The family business.  We see it littered throughout our human history, we see it aplenty in our world today, and yes, we even see it in the Bible.  The father starts a business, nurtures it, and then trains his son in the ways of his craft so that one day the son can man the helm of the family firm.  And then, with careful nurturing, a dynastic family business is born. What brings the thought of the family business to my mind, was oddly, a prayer.  A few weeks ago, Margie and I were praying with someone and during the prayer they gave thanks for many of the works of God.  And during that prayer it struck me, God, the triune God three in one, is a working God.  And the works of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the greatest family business that has ever existed.


              As I continued to explore this Holy Spirit-inspired path, I thought of just exactly what the family business of the Holy Trinity produces and distributes.  And it is here in this vein of thought that we will reside today.  Let’s explore the wonders of the primary works of God.


God creates.  I just completed another thorough study of Genesis chapter one, and it amazes me that first and foremost, God is a Creator.  He created the planet, light, the seas, the land, the stars, the sun, the moon, plants, animals, and yes, mankind, making them male and female.  And I love the verse that follows day 6 of God’s creationary efforts, “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31a) Very good indeed.  Today, where ever you are and whatever you are doing, stop, draw a deep breath, and take a long slow look at God’s created world around you.  Then praise God that He is a creator of beauty, wonder, and harmony within the complexity of His creation.


God redeems.  As soon as Eve reached for that fruit and then passed it to Adam, God was prepared to act in redeeming sin that intended to destroy.  (Genesis 3:21) You see, that’s what sin does.  It destroys the good that God has created.  Yet God can redeem the destruction that sin so readily delivers.  Only the Creator, the One that breathed life into existence, can redeem that life, giving it new eternal life.  I think sometimes I become a little calloused to what I am witnessing when I see someone on the mission field profess faith in Jesus Christ.  It is a miracle beyond human birth as God does not merely create a body, but through Jesus Christ, saves their very soul from eternal damnation.  Instead, He promises them a home in the presence of Himself for eternity in heaven.  Jesus saves sinners, it’s what He does…He buys back sinners from the Cross.


God guides.  Jesus famously says of the Holy Spirt in John 16:7 “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”  Folk, when Jesus redeems souls, He redeems completely.  And that involves providing a Helper, an advocate, a Holy guide for the duration of our physical lives here on this planet.  And not just a sporadic helper in times of danger or grief, but a helper that will dwell inside those that call upon Christ in faith.  Friends, possibly the biggest miracle of the Christian life is that God engineered a way for His very Spirit to live within those that He has redeemed.  And the purpose of God’s Holy Spirit?  To fully reveal Jesus Christ to the hearts and minds of His followers.  And within that daily revelation involves God divulging His plan for that life, His purpose for that life, convicting that life of sin, and guiding that life into a life of service that will see the kingdom of God furthered.  God is a God that guides, instructs, and corrects those He loves.


God protects.  As we look at the world today and the tragedy and evil that regularly befall it, I have a question for you.  What do you think would occur in this world if God were to remove His protection from it?  All you must do to find this answer is flip to the back of your Bible and read of the great tribulation in the book of Revelation.  The great tribulation will be a time of global judgement upon the wicked when all God must do to allow the world to descend into total chaos and anarchy is simply remove His protective hand from His creation.  (Just as He promised and delivered through the numerous OT prophets such as Isaiah, Isaiah 5:5-7) The old saying that “it could be worse” is indeed true as God constantly has those that call His only Son Jesus Christ Savior under a hedge of protection. (Job 1:10) Yes, life still happens for the Christian living in a fallen world, but imagine a life where God is not constantly protecting. I can vividly see this in my own life on the mission field as God is constantly protecting me, many times, not until later was I even aware that His protection had occurred.  The key here is to stay close to the One that protects His own.  The sheep need to stay close to their shepherd. Abide in Christ each and every day at all costs. (John 15)


God creates wonder, majesty, and awe in every single sunset, every single day. God is a God that creates.  God redeems sin through salvation in His only Son Jesus Christ. God is a God that saves sinners.  God speaks, guides, and provides direction through the miraculous gift of His Holy Spirit.  God is a God that guides and helps those that place faith in Him.  And God protects those that do His will, only calling them home to heaven when He deems the time correct.  God is a God that protects His own.  Folks, the family business of God in the beauty of the Holy Trinity is something to behold.  And we should revel in just that as we walk with Him today.  Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, and thank you Holy Spirit of God.  Thank you that you not only have worked in the past, but you continue to work today and you will continue to work until the end of eternity.


Sometimes all we need is a reminder of who God is and what He does.

Blessings to you ~ Dan

Cozumel sunset ~ Quintana Roo, Mexico


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