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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Genesis 17 - The Posture of Prayer - Approaching God

Good morning and happy hump day. I still get that crazy camel stuck in my head…it’s Humpday! Oh, the power of good marketing. Well done Geico. Yesterday I sent off my Visa application as I continue to ready for the big trip. I leave two weeks from today and will be gone a whopping 28 days. I realize it’s going to be a daunting trip, but I am so excited. My passion is helping people and seeing lives transformed and what an opportunity that lies before me for both in July.

We continue to upgrade a few things around the house and last week we got a new bar countertop, which finally properly finished off that part of the kitchen. Margie decided on a butcherblock top made out of solid hickory and man, does it look good. She has since added some bar stools and for the first time, we have a functioning bar. As we’ve now lived with it for a week, it’s pretty amazing how some simple upgrades around your house can make such a big difference. We continue to praise God for our quaint, lovely little home. A place to hang your hat is a good thing. (Especially when it’s paid for!)

Well, today we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of Genesis chapter 17. This is a huge chapter in Genesis and even in the scope of the entire Bible. Some say it’s the single most important chapter in Genesis and some even say it’s crucial to the rest of God’s Word. It’s God making the covenant with Abraham. Several huge things happen within it’s text, God changes Abraham’s name from Abram, He changes Sarai’s name to Sarah, He promises them their own son Isaac, He informs Abraham of the practice of circumcision and in the midst of all of this we see a lengthy conversation between God and Abraham. A big chapter, indeed.

As I read through it a few times this morning, one fact jumped out at me. How Abraham talks with God. Note that by now in chapter 17 of Genesis, God has already appeared to Abraham 5 times. (He will appear to him 7 times throughout Genesis) In lieu of this you would think that Abraham is somewhat getting used to this. But today God’s Word reminded me of what it really means to approach Almighty God. To encounter God. Let’s look at the posture of prayer as we approach God.

What specifically set off my Spider-sense was two specific instances within the chapter. Two different moments where Abraham is moved by the presence of God. He was so moved that his instincts took over and his body simply reacted to the power of God. And what did he do when found himself in the presence of God? Fell on his face.

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless. 2 Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” 3 Abram fell facedown, and God said to him...” Gen 17:1-3a

“God also said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.” 17 Abraham fell facedown.” Gen 17:15-17a

What a powerful few moments we see here. Abraham, a faithful servant of the Lord, so overwhelmed by the presence of God that he merely falls on his face. We see this happen quite frequently throughout God’s Word, in fact a quick scripture search revealed at least 35 examples I could cite. If you want to have some fun “Bible drill” practice, look these all up as quickly as you can. Num 20:6, Rev 7:11, Lev 9:24, Num 24:4, 1 Kings 18:39, Eze 1:28, Matt 2:11, Matt 17:6, Luke 5:12, Duet 9:18, Josh 7:6, Eze 9:8, Josh 5:14, Judges 13:20, 1 Chron 21:16, 2 Sam 14:4, Dan 8:17, Luke 24:5, Rev 11:16, Matt 26:39, Dan 2:46, Eze 44:4, Eze 43:2, Eze 3:23, 1 Kings 18:7, 1 Sam 20:41, 2 Sam 18:28, 2 Sam 14:22.

I have a question for you. When was the last time you fell on your face before the Lord? We just saw 35 verses of it happening, but how often do you think it happens today? The point? How do we approach God spiritually, mentally and physically when we approach Him in prayer?

When I read through these 35 verses, I see people moved. They are moved spiritually, they are moved emotionally and as a result they are moved physically. The overwhelming sensation results in them falling on their face before God. Completely prone, completely vulnerable and in complete submission. So back to my original question. When was the last time you fell on your face before God?

As we approach God today, do we have an awesome sense of fear, wonder and amazement? Do you realize that you are approaching the God of the universe? The creator of everything? “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:1-3) As we approach God today, I want us to carefully consider our posture of prayer.

Now I don’t want to get litigious here, I realize that you can pray to God anywhere, anytime and in anyplace. You can pray to God while driving your car, you can pray to God while laying in bed, you can pray to God during church and you can even pray to God at work (maybe you pray a lot for your mean boss…ha) We all realize that we serve a God that is omnipresent so we have access to our Heavenly Father constantly. But I’m talking about something much deeper. I’m talking about how you truly see God. I’m talking about the condition of your heart as you approach God. Why? Because how you truly see God will affect your posture of prayer and how you approach Him. I have been very fortunate to have prayed with many great men and women of God. You would think that a prayer is a prayer. But folks, I have prayed with some folks where through their posture of prayer, they ushered me into the presence of God. These folks approached God with a reverence, a respect and an awe that burst forth in their words to Him. That has always been my goal. That when I talk to God, I fully realize who I’m talking to…to the point of falling on my face before Him.

I personally start our every morning by falling on my face before God. I get on my knees, I bow before my maker and my God. He is my King and I am His servant. I realize that without Him I have nothing, but with Him I have everything. He sent His only Son here to die for me so that one day I can walk into His presence. And my friends when one day this earthly body expires and I go to Heaven for eternity, I know that I will fall on my face. I will fall on my face in the awesome presence of Almighty God. Today should be no different for us. Today we serve a mighty, powerful and Holy God. As you walk and talk with Him today, have reverence and fear for Him. He is mighty, He is Holy, He is merciful, and He is so very gracious towards us. As you talk with God today, look into His glorious wonderful face, and as you do, see a God that loves you so much that you have no choice but to relent and fall on your face before Him.

Oh, He is so worthy.

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