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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Genesis 31 - Running to God, not From God

Good morning and happy hump day. The sun is peaking above the horizon outside as I see God promise us yet another day of His beautiful sunshine. I love sunshine. What a joy He blesses us with in that beautiful radiant glow from the heavens. I really do just simply love the sun. It charges me. While in Shanghai the sun rarely appeared, and I could feel it in my disposition. Lack of sunshine on my face just drains me. I’m excited for next week, Marge and I are taking a week to decompress, relax and romance. We’ll be in Cozumel, one of my favorite combinations of abundant sunshine, crystalline turquoise waters, swaying palms and of course…tacos. The sunny beach has always had a call in my life. I know that pretty much everybody loves beaches, but for me it just goes a little deeper. For some it’s the mountains, for some it’s the open expanse of the sea, but for me, give me a nice quiet beach, the surf breaking on the sand and some warm sun and I’m a happy cat.

I’m not sure what the 5MC will look like next week but I do know that I’ll be writing. If I can get some good Mexican wi-fi I might post, if not, it’ll be when I get back. Writing the 5MC has become such a part of me that there is no separation anymore. I thought a bit about not taking my laptop but as soon as the thought materialized it immediately vaporized. I have come to realize that for me, writing is how I process what the Holy Spirit teaches me about my time in His Word. Without the writing it’s like a beautiful Christmas package without a big red bow on top, just somehow incomplete. God created the 5MC to encourage all to grow in Him daily by growing in His Word daily. I truly hope that today you are enjoying tremendous growth in God through His Word. I do also highly encourage you to journal as you study the Word of God. He speaks so differently to each one of us and what He tells you is just for you. Write down what He’s telling you.

This morning we are in the 31st chapter of Genesis and in it we see a change of direction. We see after 22 years of schooling, that Jacob is about to graduate. And in that graduation, he is changing his direction. Recall that when He arrived to this scene back in chapter 28, he was running from God. He had tricked the birthright from His hairy brother Esau, and as a result had to flee for his life. He was running from the imminent threat but in reality he was running from God and running from sin.

As we run from God, He teaches us. And in this process, we all learn differently. Some can pick up the lessons from God quickly and for others it takes much longer. For Jacob it took 22 years. In those years he was constantly attending the class of hard knocks with Uncle Laban, he was dealing with the two wives, he was running a shepherding business and also a dad to a gaggle of boys. I guess you could say that it not only took 22 years for Jacob to learn the lesson, but that God knew that it would take 22 years for Jacob to learn the lesson that he needed him to learn. You see, I’ve learned the lesson I think I need is not necessarily the same as the lesson that God wants me to learn. 2 different things indeed.

So, God comes to Jacob in a dream and tells him it’s time. Get out of Dodge and get out of Uncle Laban’s control. We’ll see in our text today that there were several reasons that God wanted Jacob and his entire family out of here. Laban openly practiced idol worship, He was a cheat, and as the sons of Israel grew older God did not want them intermarrying with pagans. By the way, entirely different study, but you need to be very familiar with what God has to say about the inter-marriage of believers and unbelievers. If you want a brush up on this topic, check out the 5MC study on 1 Corinthians 7 @ this link:

But please notice the difference in direction Jacob is heading after 22 years. He is running to God not from God. On his journey of escape from sin that got him here, He is not in communion with God, not talking to or hearing from God and the night He flees, God finds him. But throughout the trials of life, Jacob has learned a lesson that hopefully each of us learn in our “22 years”…a life close to God is just plain better.

God has blessed Jacob richly, even under the thieving hand of Uncle Laban. Even in the presence of his sin, his two wives and all of their fighting, God has shown Himself to Jacob. And folks, you can’t encounter God and deny it. I’ve seen people try and I’ve even tried my own hand at it for years, but as He continues to reach out to you, you cannot help but eventually and lovingly take His hand. Jacob does and God tells him to pack up, it’s time to head out.

I think all of us have either had these conversations with God or will. Life is about moving and going. And both should be at the bequest of God. How do we know when these times come? We listen. God is always speaking, it’s just a question of whether or not we are listening. As we wait on the Lord, we practice becoming the absolute best listeners we can be. And how exactly do we do that? We study His Word daily, we pray for His will to be done, not ours, we fellowship and we seek wise council from mature brothers and sisters and folks, don’t forget one of the most important…we serve. Don’t forget to serve God wherever you are in your “22 years.” I see so many people that are tied up in their struggles that they forget to serve God. Wherever you are in your journey serve God through serving others. I have heard God speak in volumes as I serve Him. Put your service to God at the top of your priority list today and do not forgo the blessing He has for you as you serve Him with your talents, your treasure and your time.

What a great chapter we see this morning as we are blessed to see a life change direction. Instead of running from God, Jacob is now running to God. I praise God for the lives I see each day that are running to God and not from God. We met a family at church not long ago and they were undergoing a brief “22 years.” The husband had 17 years in at a large Christian book chain and they were closing their doors for good. The career that he knew, the one that provided for his family, was over. Now in that moment you would think turmoil, anxiety and chaos would have set in. But folks as we had dinner at their home recently with their three teen boys, you would not even know this was happening. The level of peace and joy in that home was purely infectious. No fear, no anxiety, no worry. Where would provision come from? God. When will I get a new job? When God provides it. How will we pay our bills. God has always provided, and He will continue. That family took the situation and did something that will forever move me. Instead of crying out to God over their situation. Instead of running from God to their own ways, they ran to God. They quickly sold their home, liquidated their non-essentials and as I write this, they are in France for the entire Summer serving God at several different Christian camps. The entire family of 5. Yes, you heard me right. This is one of the most beautiful examples of serving God I have ever witnessed. Instead of seeing this life change as an obstacle, they saw it as an opportunity. An opportunity to follow God, to see Him work, and watch Him display His sovereignty in their lives. What an example.

As you deal with life today and the Uncle Laban’s are stealing your joy, don’t run from God, run to God. No matter how dire the situation may appear, the safest place for you to be is oh, so ever close to the Lord Jesus Christ. Run to Him today, there is safety, joy and peace in His embrace.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” James 4:8a

God bless you as you journey with Him today.

The bustling streets of Hong Kong

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Aug 07, 2019

Dan, if ever you were in a line-up, I would pick you out as a beachboy. My favorite place is under a shade tree in a quiet pasture, cows in the distance and birds singing to one another.

Have a Blessed time in the sun with GOD and your Margie.

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