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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Genesis 35 - God is Always on the Clock

Good morning and happy Wednesday. It’s good to be back into the rhythm of starting each day steeped in God’s Word and enjoying time spent writing the 5MC. My life got a little more complicated this week as I started back to school. God made my choice clear, although I can’t say I was extremely happy about it. His voice was simple, pursue your Master’s in Theology. I can’t say I disagree; I can see the great value in it, but to be honest, I just don’t want to do the work. I mean come on, school is hard. You have to read, you have to study, you have to take tests and you have to write papers. None of which are things I particularly like to do on a nice lazy Saturday off. But it does make sense to knock this out while we are living in Fort Worth and only mere minutes from one of the most prestigious Seminaries in the US, Southwestern Baptist Theological.

My first classes were on Monday night and let me say, I am more than a bit rusty with the whole college scene. It’s been over 15 years since I sat in a university classroom and boy has it changed. Technology has drastically reshaped the atmosphere and it turns out, that will be one of my biggest learning curves. Your prayers will be appreciated as I’ll be back in school, reading about 300-400 pages a week from 8 textbooks, working full time for CEO Global, teaching at Southcliff, writing the 5MC and also fitting in time for Margie. The good thing is, it’s all being busy and working for God. Even though it’ll be difficult, I couldn’t be happier to serve God with all my time and effort.

Well, this morning after I rose and made some tasty coffee, I settled down to study Genesis chapter 35. Much is here in this chapter, especially the deaths of many notable men and women. We see the death of Jacob’s beloved Rachel during childbirth with Benjamin, Jacob’s mom Rebekah, Rebekah’s nurse Deborah, and then finally Jacob’s father Isaac. It must have been a very tough stretch for Jacob, enduring all of this loss as he continued to follow God and fulfill God’s plan. Never forget that Bible people didn’t know they were living in ‘Bible times.’ They were real people just like you and me, full of emotion, anger, fear, depression, anxiety and confusion. This is just one chapter to us, but for Jacob, this chapter of his life must have been excruciating.

But there was one simple verse this morning that struck me like a cattle prod. As soon as I read it, waves of comfort and peace washed over me. Genesis 35:5:

“And as they journeyed, a terror from God fell upon the cities that were around them, so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob.”

You might be saying, "what?" But let me put this into context. After the debacle of sin in chapter 34, we finally saw Jacob on his knees before God, ready to listen and obey. God tells him to ditch all the false idols in his family, take up his tents and head to Bethel. This time Jacob listens and his obedience to the Lord is absolute. And folks, this is where the goosebumps arrive.

As Jacob is loading up his very large collection of sons, wives, servants, sheep, goats, food, water, supplies and tents in the U-Haul, God has already moved out. God has already moved out and gone ahead. Completely unbeknownst to Jacob, as they move through the lands to get to Bethel where God has called them, He has already cleared the path and struck terror into the cities that were all around them. They waltzed right through hostile lands...untouched. God was working for Jacob and his family and they were completely oblivious.

It makes me stop and think about my own life. Many times, things happen (or don’t happen) and I simply stop and say, “huh, that was really good that things worked out that way.” Or, “wow, that worked out very good, it could have gone much worse, but it didn’t” This verse gives me that all so important reminder that God is always working for me, even when I am completely unaware. What a comfort that gives me today, right down to the very foundation of my soul.

You see, God has a certain path for us in this life. God has a prefect plan for our lives. If you really think about it, our lives are simply us constantly reacting to God’s perfect plan. We either like the plan and go along with it (obedience) or we don’t like the plan and we rebel or resist it (disobedience). Now regardless of our reaction, God’s perfect plan will not change. The only thing that will change is our peace, comfort and joy as a result of our decisions.

What a joy this morning to think that the God of the universe is already ahead of me. He has gone ahead of me to thwart the enemy, make safe my path and clear the obstacles that will hinder me from following Him. It may seem that your path today is rather oddly free of all of these, but my friends it’s not mere coincidence or chance. Our God is always on the clock working for us, no matter if we notice it or not.

“And as they journeyed, a terror from God fell upon the cities that were around them, so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob.”

Praise our glorious Heavenly Father. That no matter what our journey holds, He has gone ahead of us and struck terror into our enemies so that we can safely and freely travel the perfect path that He has laid out before us.

What a great, loving God we serve today. So full of love, mercy, grace and goodness towards us. Take some time today to be still and simply tell God you love Him. Speak it out loud. Store that message in your heart. Share the message with the world.

I love you so much Lord. And thank you for loving me first, loving me with your amazing grace.

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