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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Genesis 42 - Unconfessed Sin = Guilt that will Torment

Happy Taco Tuesday. While we were down in Mexico, I was on a hunt. Besides the hunt for a great beach and some great sun, I was on a hunt for a taco t-shirt. I’ve seen many funny taco shirts, one of my favorites being, “Live every day like it’s Taco Tuesday.” You know what? I never did find a taco shirt the entire time we were there. We asked all around and even across the Caribbean in Playa Del Carmen…nada. I realized that tacos are having a moment in the US. I tried my best to tell Marge that we have a duty to bring the taco excitement to Mexico and that we should move to Cozumel and sell taco shirts to tourists on the beach. This statement was received like all of my other hair-brained ideas and judging by the look on her face, I think it’s safe to say that I will not be shaking the Mexican sand off of my taco shirt selling feet anytime soon. No worries, I’ll find another idea that she might think is better. You know the old saying, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

This morning I hopped up and couldn’t wait to continue on in Genesis and the fascinating and intriguing saga of Joseph. Today in chapter 42 we see that the dreams of Pharaoh that Joseph correctly interpreted in chapter 41 are coming to perfect fruition. The 7 years of plenty have come and gone and because of Joseph’s wise management, Egypt’s storehouses are bursting at the seams with grain. As a result the word has gotten out and the surrounding nations that are on the brink of starvation come a calling. This result of simple supply and demand economics, results in a traffic jam of people coming to Egypt to buy food. (Can you imagine a camel traffic jam?)

The food requests and sales were all monitored by Joseph and as you can imagine he is witnessing hundreds of people a day come before him to purchase food. But today ten men catch his attention. They are ten brothers from Cannaan. Ten brothers that he knows well. In fact, they are the ten brothers that threw him in a well and then sold him into slavery over 24 years ago. Yep, his brothers have come to Egypt at the behest of their dad, Jacob, to get some food. In this moment, 40 year old Joseph sees His teenage dreams come to fruition. His family kneeling before him. This realization of God’s perfect plan in his life moves Joseph to tears and he excuses himself to weep in his chambers. A man greatly moved, a man stripped to his core, a man seeing God’s plan for his life finally laid bare.

Now, notice that there’s only 10. Young Benjamin stayed at home, Jacob unwilling to let him go. And probably a very wise decision as the last time he let Joseph accompany these 10 brothers, he never came back. I’m sure that Jacob did not have a lot of confidence in these boys. Recall that these ten boys were from Leah and Joseph and Benjamin were from Rachel, Jacob’s most beloved. Favoritism was something that racked this family for generations, and it took a great toll on all of them.

Joseph wants nothing more than to see his little brother Benjamin, so he enacts a plan to get Benjamin to Egypt. Nine brothers go back to get him, and one stays in Egypt, in prison as security. I’m not sure how Simeon drew this straw, but he stays behind. I’m sure wondering if his brothers will ever come back for him or if he’ll end up another Joseph. I know one thing, I wouldn’t want to be one of these brothers, that’s for sure.

But our lesson today stems from the brother’s reaction to Joseph’s demand to get Benjamin to Egypt. They of course do their best to redact the plan to bring Benjamin but Joseph will not relent. In verses 21-22 we are allowed a haunting glimpse into the minds of these brothers and the psyche they have endured since tossing Joseph into that pit over 20 long years ago. You see, unconfessed sin in our lives will equal torment in our future as we are forced to carry that baggage daily. It will surface at a moments notice, ready to afflict us in any and all situations. As this huge dilemma befalls the sons of Israel, listen to what they immediately credit the event:

“Then they said to one another, “In truth we are guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul, when he begged us and we did not listen. That is why this distress has come upon us.” 22 And Reuben answered them, “Did I not tell you not to sin against the boy? But you did not listen. So now there comes a reckoning for his blood.” Gen 42:21-22

Do you see what’s happening here? They sold Joseph into slavery to get rid of this pest in their lives over 25 years ago, yet they are talking about the sordid ordeal as if they just committed it yesterday. It lives in their minds, fresh as a memory from that morning. I can only imagine the scene at that pit, Joseph begging his brothers for his life. The hurt, betrayal and fear in the eyes of their seventten year old brotehr as they look into those eyes and simply turn and walk away. The hate of that day was seared into their hearts. You see, unconfessed sin lives at the very front of our psyche, ready to come alive with just the slightest nudge. These brothers have been living with this guilt for the last 2 decades and at this very moment they are quick to blame their current woes on their past unconfessed sin.

Folks, sin is the destroyer of life. It will rob you of everything. It will steal your joy, consume your peace and eventually attack and gain victory even over your sanity. It’s hard to witness these brothers experiencing this situation and immediately reaching back over 25 years to one single event that to this day haunts their minds. You see, the power of unconfessed sin is beyond our power. The power of unreconciled sin controls us like a puppet dangling upon its strings.

But don’t lose hope, there is a way to conquer sin, His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He came to this planet, born of a virgin over 2000 years ago, and He walked among us. A perfect life among imperfect people. He was rejected by these imperfect people and for it, He hung upon a cross and died. And three days later He rose. Triumphant over death. His death and resurrection had a purpose. The greatest purpose that has ever existed. Jesus came to defeat sin. The blood our Savior shed on the Cross that day defeated sin forever. Do you want all of your sin, past, present and future forgiven today? Simply call upon the precious name of Jesus. He is faithful, He is sufficient, He is capable.

As far as those past sins that torment you like these 10 brothers in our study today? Jesus came to handle those as well. But you have to hand them over. You have to give them up. You have to confess them. You can no longer hold them tight as they then hold you tight. Let them go. Confess these past sins to Jesus and watch them dissolve into the past. Forgotten, covered by the blood of the Lamb. You no longer must carry the baggage of past sin. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus, call upon His name to save you from all of your sin, past, present and future. His grace is indeed amazing, and He is faithful to respond. He will respond the second your heart makes the decision to let your mouth utter the words.

Forgiveness is the most powerful force in the world and that’s what Jesus gave to the world as He hung on that Cross. Claim the gift of forgiveness today and gain freedom in this life. There is an abundant life waiting for you today and it comes only through King Jesus. Claim it today.

Abundant blessings to you today and may Jesus make your past sins as distant as a forgotten dream.

The Grand Canyon

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