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Writer's pictureDan Potter

God and Cancer

Cancer. That 6 letter word that just falls so bitterly on the ear. That word that we hope never enters the realm of where we live and love. The word that can, in one breath, bring us to our knees, cause us to cry out to God or even cause us to question Him. But yet here it is. Predominant on our planet and in our lives. I think it would be hard to locate a life today that has not been affected by cancer in some capacity. We all more than likely, have that cherished loved one that has battled with cancer and either been permitted a reprieve or has experienced defeat at its hands.

In the year 2018 I saw many close brothers and sisters in Christ diagnosed with cancer and begin that walk. That walk of why. That walk of what if. That walk of what now. Cancer can bring so many questions to the minds of humans that are trying so desperately to understand it.

This morning I was up early and in the car by 5:30. I started the car, turned on the heat to ward off the cold, and sat in silence. Early morning is a magical time. So quiet. So peaceful. So still. One individual in particular was moving in my heart and my mind. Their experiences with cancer so new and so uncertain. It’s a walk that none of us can accurately understand unless their shoes fit on your feet. I sat there in the garage and I prayed. I prayed for those that are struggling today with cancer. I prayed to God to not only strengthen them for the walk He has before them, but to transform them. That through this struggle He would reveal Himself in ways that would make us stop and glorify God. I prayed that these individuals would first and foremost experience peace. The deep, soul changing peace of God. I prayed that the God that created the universe would bring His comfort. I prayed that the God that sent His only Son to die for all men, would touch these lives with the simplicity of His Joy. A tear came to my eye as I asked God some questions. How can I truly encourage these? How can I relate to a struggle that is not mine? I prayed to God for the words.

I backed out of the garage and proceeded on my way, but God was not done talking. His voice was still at the forefront of my mind and in the darkness of the morning I pulled over. He was speaking, I grabbed a pen and paper from the center console and I started writing. I didn’t stop to see it make sense, I just wrote what the Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart. He spoke encouragement. He spoke clarification. He spoke.

Throughout my morning that piece of paper sat in the passenger seat next to me. I would look over and see it from time to time and I would read those words and ponder. They brought me comfort. But I had prayed for God to bring comfort to those dealing with cancer, why would I receive comfort? God spoke yet again and revealed to me that if we have not comfort in the Lord, we cannot give that comfort to others. God fills us to overflowing so that we may pour into the lives of others. In this process, He reveals Himself.

As my morning drew to a close and I arrived back home, I grabbed the piece of paper and tossed it on the kitchen counter. I went to change to go for my walk. The weather today was near perfect. Spotless, sunny skies that radiated a deep blue. The temperature of the air allowed the sun to pierce through and warm my skin. What a joy it is to walk in the goodness of God’s warmth. As I walked, God moved my mind back to the paper. I can’t say I resisted, but I can’t say I was the one that brought it up. My walk covers 3 miles and I can do it in 42 minutes. For that 42 minutes God continued to talk to me. I replayed the morning in my mind and I thought of the points that He had given me on that piece of paper. I thought again of those people that He had so heavily placed on my heart. Those that are walking a path today with a questionable tomorrow. Oh, how I desperately prayed for peace to be on them again. That the fear of the unknown would be put down by the presence of God. That the constant questions in their mind would all be answered by a loving God that sent His Son.

As I walked on in meditation with God, He told me to write it all down. I resisted. It’s Saturday and I don’t usually write on Saturdays. I walked on and heard it again, write down my Words. I resisted. But there’s a great football game on at 3 and I don’t want to miss it. He persisted, write what I have given you. I resisted again. But, I am blessed to be able to fill in and teach a Sunday School class in the morning at church and I really have a lot more studying to do this afternoon. By this time, I recognized my resistance. As soon as I walked in the door, I sat down at the computer and started writing. In an effort to offer comfort to those today that are experiencing the pain, heartache and loss that cancer brings, here are three things from God that I pray will bring you that comfort. A comfort that can only come from God the Father. A comfort that is undefined.

God says, “you are not alone.” No matter where you are at in the walk with cancer, you are not alone. God has gathered people around you that love you, care for you and are praying for you. There is strength in God’s people and He will not allow you to walk this walk by yourself. Seek out these people. Share your struggle. Share your pain. Don’t let pride become a barrier, but let those that God has placed in your life help you shoulder the burden. I think about when Jesus was carrying His cross to Calvary. His Earthly human body was so beaten, so broken, so weak. The Son of God had the power of the world within His grasp, yet He could not take another step with the burden of that cross upon his frail human body. God is strong, but man is weak. Let the power of God and the power of others carry you along.

God says, “this journey has a purpose.” That purpose is to bring you and all those around you closer to God. I have seen this personally in the journeys of my brothers and sisters in Christ that walked with cancer in 2018. I have seen prayer and support like I have never witnessed. I have seen people transformed in their relationship with God as they walked alongside their loved ones, bearing the burden along with them. No matter what God puts in front of us He is bigger. Cancer is big, but our God is bigger. So much bigger. This is part of my prayer. That throughout dealing with the unknowns of cancer, that lives would be transformed. Prayer that lives would be rejuvenated, time in God’s Word would increase and sweet fellowship with others in the Lord will never have been warmer to experience. As your strength is sapped and you are in need of someone to lean on, God will be that for you. And my friend, if you need to lean on God in a time of great need, you can’t do that without being ever so close to Him.

“God will be glorified.” I have seen, heard and witnessed some God stories because of cancer that will do nothing short of give you goose pimples. When God’s people cry out, He hears. In tomorrow morning’s Sunday School class, we are covering Mose’s bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. God’s people cried out and He heard them. He rescued them in the midst of their plight. And in the process God was glorified. Through the plagues and through the Passover, the power of God became evident to all, even those that refused to believe. My friends, it is the same in the sometimes hopeless journey of cancer. When we cry out to God, He WILL hear us, and He WILL act. And when God acts, people see it. And when people see, they believe. This is my prayer as well. That God would reveal Himself and the power of His goodness during the darkness of disease. That even when it seems all hope is gone, God will work a miracle and the unbelievers will see. God will be glorified and lives will be changed forever. God can save souls, even in the midst of cancer.

I am moved. God gave me the words, they came easy. I have bathed this in prayer, that these be not my words but God’s Words. That they can bring comfort and peace to those that so desperately need it today. That they can bring a glimpse of Him. That before the affliction of cancer appeared, a content walk could be transformed into a vibrant, thriving relationship with a saving God. That God will be glorified and no matter what the outcome, that God and God alone will receive the Glory for all that He has done.

I will continue to cry out to God for you, He is listening.

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