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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Healthy Bodies, Sick Hearts ~ Luke 17

“Jesus said, “Ten men were healed; where are the other nine?...Is he the only one who came back to give praise to God?” Then Jesus said to the man, “Stand up! You can go. Your faith has saved you.” Luke 17:17-19 ESV

I wish I had a shiny penny for every time I’ve been asked to pray for someone’s healing. Someone is sick and they need the healing hand of God to reach down and do what only the Holy physician can do, repair what He has made. Yet it seems that these requests far outweigh the ones I receive requesting the other type of healing that lies much deeper within human muscle, bone, and sinew. You see, there are two types of human healing held within the hands of God. One offers the miraculous healing of the physical body…the other offers a healing that defies all human logic and understanding.

You’re probably familiar with this story found in Luke chapter 17. As Jesus is making his way towards Jerusalem, passing between Samaria and Galilee, He walks through a small village and is approached at a distance by 10 lepers. Now remember that lepers during this era were common, were considered unclean, and as a result, lived lives as total and complete outcasts. They were not allowed to be involved in common societal activities and as a result were rejected and treated as less than human. They were even outlawed from all religious ceremonies of the day, deemed by man to not even be worthy of approaching and worshipping God. But in this instance, the 10 outcast lepers recognized Jesus from his local fame, and in great faith they cried out to Him. They believed that He had the power to heal the affliction that cursed their bodies, just as He had healed countless others across the region. And heal them Jesus did, all 10. But not before He gave them something to do, go show yourselves to the priests. A command of obedience that manifested in their healing as soon as they pivoted and turned in obedience to the Words of Christ. Yet for me, the crux of the story lies in the latter part. As all 10 were obedient to the command of Christ and were instantly physically healed, only one turned back. Only one looked back to the source of his blessing.

There is one little corner of the human heart that sits dormant. This little corner can, at times, sit alone for days, months, or even years if not forcefully woken from its slumber. And just what is this secluded, dormant corner? Gratitude. You see, the good Christian can pray and receive a thousand times over from the Lord and not ever use this little corner of the heart. It doesn’t seem possible, yet I know it is true from personal experience. I pray earnestly for said thing and as it seemingly manifests in Holy coincidence, I’m so busy enjoying the Godly gift, I forget to turn around and look back to the source of the blessing.

But what struck me during my study of this passage this morning was Jesus’ final comment to the thankful leper.

“Then Jesus said to the man, “Stand up! You can go. Your faith has saved (healed) you.” Luke 17:19 ESV (bracket mine)

Now recall that just before this final verbal exchange, Jesus had healed him, as well as the other 9, physically that is. So if Jesus had just healed this one leper physically, how can He save (heal) him here a second time? Folks, the second healing act Jesus performs here is the single biggest miracle the world has ever witnessed…the healing of the sinful, leprous human spirit. You see, the leper was first healed physically, and as he was, he was free to go on his way and enjoy a new life with a perfectly renewed human body. But as he looked down and saw that renewed body, that dormant part of his heart was jolted back into life as he simply turned around, looked back, and loudly praised the One that had blessed Him. And only in rushing back to fall at the feet of Jesus, singing praises to Him, and gratefully believing in faith in the One that holds true power to heal, was he truly healed. His faith in Jesus that day did the real healing.

Today, you might know of Jesus in your mind, but do you know Him in your heart? Do you acknowledge Him or do you believe in Him? Do you place faith in fate or do you place your faith in Jesus Christ? You see, 9 lepers walked away physically healed that day, but only one walked away truly healed. I pray that today you move beyond merely hearing about Christ to truly believing He is who He says He is, did what He says He did, and today sits where He says He sits, at the right hand of the Father in Heaven…alive and on His throne.

And for those of you that have not seen the appearance of that corner of your heart in a while, I pray it awakens in a mighty way today and turns in great gratitude towards the One that does both the major and minor works of healing in your life. For in a life that is constantly looking back to the source of the blessing, that heart will be working just as it was intended…to faithfully praise the One that has truly healed it.

May gratitude be readily on your lips in this day ~ Dan

“My whole being, praise the Lord. Do not forget all his kindnesses. The Lord forgives me for all my sins. He heals all my diseases. He saves my life from the grave. He loads me with love and mercy. He satisfies me with good things. He makes me young again, like the eagle.

Psalm 103:2-5 ICB

golden sunrise, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico

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