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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

Hebrews 6 - Bear Fruit for God

Good morning and happy Friday. I have a busy weekend around the corner with meetings and the semester’s workshops kicking off tomorrow at SMU. I’m looking forward to the new semester and the fun of hanging out with the students. What a special time to be able to hang out with university students from all over the world. I am blessed.

This morning we’ll be looking at Hebrews chapter 6, specifically verses 10-12:

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” Heb 6:10-12 NIV

As I got up early this morning and started making coffee, I had a revelation. One of those profound moments where your body talks to your brain and then your brain instinctively reacts and instructs. What was the revelation? My feet are cold. I was just in socks so as the coffee pot started to gurgle and come to life, I went on a pilgrimage to find my warm, cozy slippers. I found them in my study, parked in a nice straight line, inviting my feet to come in and warm up. In my study I have two huge framed pieces of artwork that we drug back all the way from Maui. They’re both very bright and colorful and they represent a beach scape that includes sun, palm tree and free-form waves and clouds. They used to hang in one of the guest rooms at the Grand Wailea, one of the uber nice hotels on the south coast of Maui. When the hotels on Maui would undergo a major remodel, they would sell off all the old furniture, fixtures, decorations etc, to make way for all the new stuff. The hotels would do this quite often and it all had to be sold on the island as it was too expensive to ship it anywhere. The result was that you could get some really nice, high quality stuff dirt cheap. Margie paid $5 each for them and bought two. She hung them one on top of the other ‘inverted’ so they make a cool kinda reflective image.

Well, a few months ago I was wanting to write down some verses and thoughts to have around me in my study. I’m a firm believer in surrounding yourself with inspiration and goals so that you can constantly be immersed with whats important to you. It’s amazing how much more you absorb things if they’re easily found. I thought about buying a big dry erase board and writing down all the verses that speak to me, but they’re kinda ugly to live with. As I was pondering this, I mentioned it to Margie and she said, “why don’t you write them all over the palm pictures?” I said “what? that would ruin the pictures to write Bible verses all over them with a sharpie!” I loved her response…”would it?” So that’s what I did. Every time I come across a verse in God’s Word that speaks to me on a subject, I grab a marker, walk over and write it on one the two pictures. It’s been such a huge blessing to be constantly surrounded with God’s Word. Many times, throughout the day I find myself just staring at it, recollecting all the memories of God speaking to me and me writing it down. It’s been not just a motivator, but a great reference tool as well. When I need that verse I just look over and it’s right there!

Anyway, where I’m going is, as I was slipping on my house shoes, they were parked right in front of the pictures. I glanced up and my eyes met with “bear fruit for God.” Rom 7:4. What a great reminder to start out your day with. Dear Heavenly Father, please allow me to bear fruit for You today, Amen.

As I got back to the kitchen the coffee was done enough for me to steal a cup and I sat down to start my study. Behold, here came Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 10 and it deals with working for God and serving others with love. Good works. Doing good for others. Bearing fruit for God.

I have always loved this picture that God gave us of bearing fruit for Him. (John 15) Think about the process of a grapevine and it’s producing of grapes (fruit). The vine is planted, it is well-rooted, immovable. The vine is central and it grows and produces branches that stretch outward to develop leaves that will absorb the sun and promote photosynthesis. The maturation of the branch will result in the production of fruit in it's season. Some branches that are healthy in the vine will produce much fruit. Some that are not healthy on the vine will wither and produce nothing. They will be pruned and removed to let the other branches produce as much as possible. But even some branches that are producing, can produce more. They will be lightly pruned to increase their fruit production.

You see the only reason a grapevine exists is to produce grapes. That is its purpose. Without grapes, it’s just and ornamental bush. God made grapevines with a specific purpose and it gives God pleasure when His creations obediently perform as He has made to. My friends, God’s Word tells us we are no different than the branch of a grapevine. We were MADE to bear fruit for God. If we bear much fruit, we please God as we fulfill our purpose in Him. If we bear little fruit, He will prune us to encourage more fruit. And ultimately if we reject the Word of God and bear no fruit, we will be pruned from the vine, removed and burned as they no longer serve any purpose. Also think about the vine’s relationship to the branches. Have you ever seen just a branch floating out there without being attached to a vine? I sure hope not! The branch can do nothing without the vine. The branch can never hope to bear fruit without the foundation and nourishment of the vine.

So by now you might be saying, “well this is a beautiful image, but how do I bear fruit for God?” That’s a great question and for you regular partakers of the 5MC, you should know this drill. It’s always a pretty safe answer to go with “The Word of God” and this time you would once again be right. To bear fruit the branch must abide in God, His Son Jesus and God’s Word. God’s Word will offer you the nourishment, guidance, and direction you need to discern God’s purpose for your life. Remember that word purpose. The branch’s purpose if to bear fruit. Our purpose is to bear fruit for God. Through in depth, daily study of God’s Word, He will reveal to you a purpose for whatever season of life you may be in. That is a promise from God.

But what does fruit look like? Well, God has given you a specific spiritual gifting (Rom 12, Eph 4). God made you specifically to do something for Him that no one else can do. Your fruit is different. God made you to produce a very specific fruit. God tells us we are to use this fruit to bless the body of Christ. Yes, we are to bless and love everyone, but first and foremost our duty is to bear fruit and use our spiritual gifting to bless the work of God. And the work of God is completed through the local body of believers, His church. So, if your earnest desire is be in full obedience to God and bear fruit for Him, you first need to be studying His Word daily. You next need to be an active and vital member of a local body of believers. Do these, then sit back and watch God work. You will be amazed at how God will use you to bear fruit that will bless others and promote His Work. It’s what He built us for. To bear fruit. As the big picture on my wall reminded me this morning…Bear fruit for God.

God bless you in your daily study of His Word and may you feel the glorious connection to the vine in your life today.

Graffiti for God

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