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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Isaiah 25 – Rejoicing in the Rubble

“Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1

The circumstantial Christian. The situational saved. The conditional Christ-follower. All terms for those that have called upon Christ as their Savior, yet at times, find the trials and tribulations of this world pulling their hearts, minds, and focus away from the eternal promise of Christ that lies in their future. A fact of life that attacks us all yet can be easily corrected with the applied perspective of focus. For the simple truth is…what lies in the future of everyone that has been eternally redeemed by the blood of Christ is so much greater than any tribulation that can ever befall in this life.

We have been travelling through a very tough stretch of Isaiah, the prophecies of God that Isaiah has been delivering are far from upbeat, encouraging and invigorating. In chapter 15 we see Isaiah deliver the judgement of God upon Moab, resulting in its destruction. In chapter 17 he announces the righteous destruction of Damascus. In 18 Ethiopia, in 19 Egypt, 20 Babylon and in chapter 23 Tyre. We see one after another, harsh yet righteous judgements called down against peoples that had rejected Almighty God and instead gone after false gods and empty idols. Yet in a truly heart-wrenching chapter, chapter 22, we see God calling down not judgement and destruction on some other foreign evil people, but His own chosen ones, the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and David. God must announce that His own chosen people have fallen into the same evil pattern of all those in the world and have forsaken Him and His goodness at the hands of idols. And then, two chapters later, we see God detail the period known as the great tribulation. That is the period after the church is taken out of this world and God’s judgements dial up to 11 as those that are left suffer for their prideful indignation and rejection of Jesus Christ. Yet through all of this, through all of this judgement, through all of this sin, pride, idolatry and self-serving, we see yet another rainbow of hope from God. We find chapter 25. And in it we see a glorious heart-type shine forth. A heart that sees itself not in the hands of the great tribulation but instead, in the hands of the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. A heart not shrouded in the darkness of tribulation, but bathed in light of redemption.

In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” Isaiah 25:9

Today, for whatever reason, you may find yourself in the midst of great tribulation. Sickness, disease, heartache, transition, loss of loved ones, spiritual dilemma, addiction, or the pains of dealing with a wayward family. Yet in the midst of your trial, refuse to be a circumstantial Christian, letting your circumstances dictate your behavior and reactions. For in Isaiah 25 we receive a message that should be the banner for our day. No matter the trial, no matter the pain, no matter the heartbreak…the Lord is your God. And your Lord has done great and wonderful things. We trust in Him and His Salvation for they are sure, a promise from the very lips of His only Son, Jesus Christ. And for that, just as some hearts will do as they endure the greatest tribulation ever recorded, let us turn from our current circumstances and instead, lay great praise at the feet of the only One that is worthy. Let us shout worshipful praise to the One that came and offered a sinful world the opportunity to live in peaceful eternity in His very presence.

Today, may God so infiltrate your heart, soul, and spirit that He allow you to rise above whatever circumstance is holding you down. May you soar into the stratosphere of heavenly worship, worship to the One that has indeed saved your very soul. Today, regardless of our circumstances, let us rejoice and be glad in the salvation of Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice from the rubble.

“So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” John 16:22

eastern coast of Cozumel, Mexico

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