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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Jeremiah 13 ~ Repentance Defined

“Though our iniquities testify against us, Lord, act for Your name’s sake. Indeed, our rebellions are many; we have sinned against You.” Jeremiah 14:7 CSB

The vacation bible school definition of sin is “anything you say, think, or do that displeases God.” I can vividly see in my mind the little hand gestures that go along with the say, think and do parts of the definition. First having the kids point to their mouths. For what the mouth says, or rather, what the mouth chooses to say, can indeed displease God. Our words have the ability to inflict pain like no other weapon on this planet. In fact, the book of James likens our tongues to a “restless evil, full of deadly poison.” Yes, our words to others can be great sin indeed. Next you ask the kids to point to their head, for you see, what the mind chooses to see and stay focused on and think about is the birthplace for all sin against God. Where our mind resides, we reside. And then lastly you have the kids make a big motion in the air with their hands. For after the mind has chosen to stay focused on it, all that is left is to move the hands and feet to complete said God displeasing sinful act. But since all people are sinners, yes even all Christians, and all are destined to do this sin dance daily, the real question is…what do you do when you succumb to sin?

The word repent is based in Latin and better understood in two parts. “re” and “penal”. “Re” being defined in latin as “back” or more entirely “a turning back.” And “penal” is the root for our English word penalty, meaning “pertaining to punishment or correction.” So combined the word repent is “the act of turning from punishment or correction.” And that definition combined with the fact that the word is a verb, shows us quite the powerful image. A life moving in the direction of punishment and correction yet instead of continuing in that direction, they instead choose to change their direction. They choose to turn from what lies ahead and move in the opposite direction, eliminating the impending punishment and correction to instead move in the direction of righteousness, that is, doing the right thing according to God’s Word. But sometimes it’s easier said than done. For example, how do you know in which direction you’re heading? How do you know if what you’re seeing, thinking and doing is in need of turning? Well, it all depends on whose set of rules you’re living by.

Regardless of your view of the truth today, it doesn’t change the truth. The world we live in is structured and orchestrated around pure truth. A set of truthful absolutes that stand no matter how mankind chooses to interpret them, seeks to change them, or seeks to change themselves in spite of them. The truth is the basis for all creation and as it stands, the utter desire for all created. Every man ,woman, and child born into this world starts a quest to seek the truth. And seek they will. For me, I personally found the truth when I was 23 years old. I had searched for truth in money and material things, it was not there. I had sought out truth through people and relationships, it was not to be found there. And I had sought for the truth in the pleasure offerings of this world, the truth was not there. You see, the truth about the truth is that it cannot exist outside of the One that created it. The truth of this universe, the truth of all creation was created in its perfection by the perfect union of the Creator and the created. Creational existence founded upon one perfect truth. And therefore, for me at 23, I found the truth in my Creator, Almighty God, through His only Son, Jesus Christ, whom He sent here to die for my sins. The truth, the way and the life.

I say all that to say, that if you’re not aiming at the truth of God, you’re missing the mark. In fact, the history of the word “sin” is based in archery and means to miss the mark. To miss the target. So, if you’re aiming at the wrong target, and even hit the bullseye, it’s still missing the true mark of God's truth. But as you do aim at the truth of God and miss the mark, resulting in sin against God, what are the actual steps concerning repentance? Well, as usual, God does not leave us in the dark, He clearly defines our bullseye in our Jeremiah study verse above.

The first step in repentance is simply admitting that your bow pull resulted in you missing the perfect bullseye of God. The first step in repentance is simply admitting your sin to God. “Our iniquities testify against us, Lord… our rebellions are many; we have sinned against You.” This may sound extremely simple but I have met countless people that cannot process this first step. Their view of the truth is based on self and therefore they think whatever they want to do is okay. Call it the common worldview of sin. Adultery, more specifically, sex out of wedlock? The world says, it’s okay, it’s not a sin, everybody is doing it so it must be fine. Pornography? The world says it’s ok too, I mean right now an estimated 35% of all global internet traffic is pornography, how can that many people be wrong? And how about being mean and mistreating other people? The internet is blanketed with people mistreating each other because they feel they have somehow been wronged and deserve retribution. That behavior is a long way from “love your neighbor as yourself.” You see, this simple first step of admitting your sin to God is where our sin nature does some of its best work. Justification, denial, and sometimes outright rebellion are all personal mountains that stand in the way of simply admitting to God that you missed the perfect and righteous way He has for you.

The second step is the turning. If you walk in sin, that is embracing your sin and choosing to live within it, even enjoying it, taking pride in it and bragging of it, there will be punishment and correction in your future. Just as any unruly child openly breaking the clear rules of their parent, it will eventually result in correction. Just as if an angry grizzly stood in your path, only a fool would continue in the same direction, thinking if they ignore the grizzly it will somehow disappear. It is the same with sin. After admitting and confessing directly to God that you said, thought, or did something that displeased Him, you must not continue to move in that direction.

But in the glory of repentance lies a third part, a part that is not of our doing, but of Almighty God. Forgiveness. “Act for Your name’s sake.” For you see we serve a God that is a forgiver. We serve a gracious, merciful God that as He hears and sees the repentant hearts of His children, He promises to forgive them. And the promises of God are the strongest bonds creation has ever witnessed.

Repentance, true repentance begins with an utter confession of guilt followed by a turning from the behavior resulting in an appeal to the pure mercy of God. True repentance results not in punishment but mercy, not getting what you truly deserve. I pray that today, no matter how you’ve missed the mark, you will utilize the simple yet powerful pattern of repentance that the Lord has graciously offered to His children. And in the process, experience the loving correction and sanctification that move you ever closer to the Savior you call Lord…the only name in which you can be saved…Jesus Christ.

Dios te Bendiga ~ Dan

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” John 1:9

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.” Revelation 3:19

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