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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Jeremiah 42 ~ The Rudder

“Now all the captains of the forces…and all the people, from the least to the greatest, came near and said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Please, let our petition be acceptable to you, and pray for us to the Lord your God, for all this remnant, that the LORD your God may show us the way in which we should walk and the thing we should do.” Jeremiah 42:1-3

The tiny shipped tossed to and fro violently upon the waves, the angry sea determined to take it where it may. The sole inhabitant of the skiff fought fiercely against the current, his hand growing fatigued, numbed from his desperate grip upon the single wooden rudder. The opposition against the small rudder seemed relentless under his grasp, the invisible hand of the waters clearly hostile to his intended direction and eventual destination. And so, in the midst of this dire strait, he did what any great sea-going navigator would do in this situation…he let go of the rudder. What?

I think we would all agree that in this life or death situation, the last thing we would want to do is let go of that precious rudder, yes? I mean who is going to control the ship? Who is going to guarantee the safe arrival to our desired destination? Who will guarantee we don’t simply drift into the nothingness of an endless expanse of sea? Well, what if I told you that in a life that sails upon the high seas of the Lord Jesus Christ, letting go of the rudder is the only true way to arrive at your intended destination.

After the Lord has allowed Babylon to pillage Jerusalem, taking all its treasures and hauling away the majority of its people into captivity, only a small remnant remain. The small rag-tag remnant of refugees assemble and assess their situation. No food, no fresh water, and no city wall for protection against the guaranteed groups of nocturnal marauders. A rather bleak if not completely hopeless situation. But just 200 miles to the west lay Egypt, a land rich, green, and plentiful. Because of the annual flooding of the Nile river, the land was consistent in producing bountiful crops and supporting endless head of livestock. Indeed, for this remnant, the grass truly was greener on the other side of the fence. The choice seemed a no-brainer. So, with their hands firmly on their own rudders, safely and securely guiding them to where they desired to go, they decided to why not ask the prophet Jeremiah for a word from the Lord. I mean surely God saw the same obvious solution they did, right? Surely God would simply confirm their already correct decision, yes?

The remnant commits that if Jeremiah petitions the Lord, they will guarantee their obedience to God’s answer. Yet there is one word that haunts their request of the prophet. A foreshadowing of the heart-condition making the request…“pray for us to the Lord your God.” A people seeking guidance from another’s God. And ironically, as the Word of the Lord comes back, He commands the people to stay in Jerusalem and He will care for them, protect them, and feed them. Yet if they flee to Egypt, He will rebuke them sharply for their direct disobedience. Paradoxically, in a seemingly clear, common sense decision, the direction of their rudder was in direct opposition to the direction of the Lord’s rudder. What to do?

One of the single most difficult things to do in recklessly following the Lord is taking your hand off your own beloved rudder. Your death grip upon that feeble piece of wood somehow affirming that you have control of where this life will take you. But friends, there is not greater untruth. We no more hold the ability to guide these lives than a blind navigator holding a broken sextant while sailing a moonless night. We can however, in great faith in the Lord, purposely release that rudder, and let God instead guide us into His safe harbor where we will find His purpose and peace.

Today you might have all your ducks lined up perfectly. You live geographically exactly where you want, in a house that pleases you, and with all your things of comfort and convenience surrounding you. You view your future as one with a guaranteed destination, smooth seas glistening well over your horizon. But folks, who is really holding your rudder, you, or the Lord? What if the Lord asks you to move because He has bigger plans for your life in a different locale? What if the Lord is whispering of a new job or even a new career that promises His future and not your own? What if God is calling you into full time ministry or even international missions meaning that all that comfort and convenience must be released? What if God is calling you to stay in war-torn Jerusalem when it makes perfect sense for you to trek to the green promises of Egypt? What do you do?

I wish I could say our story from Jeremiah chapter 42 ends well, but no. The remnant could not let go of their rudder and instead chose in their own human intellect and common sense to go to Egypt. And unfortunately, the very pestilence and famine they sought to escape followed along their heels right with them. Their well-intended and promising destination taking them where they truly did not want to go. Today, there are not several correct ways to your destination, only one. The way that Almighty God has for you and for your life. If you seek the Lord with all of your heart, He will be found. And when He is found, He will reveal His plan to you in His perfect timing. It may not be what you want or what you could ever expect, but therein lies the point of not just talking in great faith, but walking in great faith. And just exactly what does walking in great faith look like…taking your hand off that rudder and trusting in the one that made the very sea you are travelling upon.

May your sea-going voyage today take you ever closer to the port of Jesus Christ ~ Dan

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

“I know Lord, that a man’s way of life is not his own; no one who walks determines his own steps.” Jeremiah 10:23

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

tormentas en el horizonte (storms upon the horizon) San Francisco, Nayurit, Mexico

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