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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Job 12 - Wisdom that Perishes

“You people really know everything? And when you die, wisdom will die with you!” Job 12:2

The family gathered around the wealthy patriarch’s deathbed, sad yet excited. Sad that his body had just expired, yet excited for the big payday that was now about to arrive in their bank accounts. As the eldest son followed the family lawyer into the hall, he was anxious to hear of the details of a will that had been sealed until this very moment. He asked one simple question, “how much did he leave?” The lawyer gave him a glance of dismissal and simply responded, “all of it.” Folks, as Job so vehemently speaks, we come into this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing. We take no money into eternity, no cars, no toys, no houses, no power over others, no fame, and no beloved collections. To prove this, I bet you’ve never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul. But to compound this fact, beyond your physical property, what about your intellectual property? Where does the grand value of your lifetime of education, learning, and personal wisdom conclude? Well, in yet another biting observation from Job to his lofty friends, he tells us that it will die right alongside of us. Mankind, even in his mightiest efforts to leave a legacy of his wisdom, leaves nothing. Only the wisdom of the Lord remains.

Job has just suffered through the last of his friend’s analyses of his situation and his response is as loaded as a Texas pistol. He comes out blazing in response to their sarcastic, demeaning diagnosis and starts by harshly, yet accurately, describing the eternal value of their opinions. You see, the problem with our logic, opinions, and wisdom of this world and the situations in it, is its ephemeral nature. What we devise as a wise answer to the problems of this world are as nothing as dust in the wind before God’s mighty eternal wisdom and understanding. And this is directly where Job drives his response. Why rest firm and confident in your own transient understanding that will pass, when you can reside within the truth of God’s wisdom that will last eternally?

Today, reside not in the temporary dwelling of personal understanding that will pass, but instead choose to dwell in the wisdom of the Lord that will live forever. And to find that wisdom? Simply crack open the nearest Bible and partake. Invest in a daily study of God’s Word and see the wisdom of the Lord manifest before your very eyes. You see, God does not keep His wisdom hidden from the world as if He is some secret mystical being, He has simply and openly placed it right in front of the world in plain sight…in the form of His Holy Bible. Pick one up today, go to a quiet spot, and pray that Almighty God will awaken His Word to your sleeping spirit. If you have called upon Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you have been anointed with His Holy Spirit and He will teach you all you need to know about whatever current situation God has you in. You see, life is a perpetual construction project and without the correct set of blueprints in front of you, the project is destined to veer off course. God’s Word is the blueprint for each and every day of your life. Consult it daily, study it daily, revere it daily, and God through His Holy Spirit will speak into your heart that which you need to know. Live in God’s wisdom, a wisdom that has existed before the waters were formed, and a wisdom that will exist as the New Jerusalem descends.

“It is He who made the earth by His power, who established the world by His wisdom; and by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.” Jeremiah 10:12

una vista de la cruz (a view of the cross), Puebla, Mexico

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