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Writer's pictureDan Potter

The Purest Cry ~ Job 13

Updated: Jan 13

“Then call me, and I will answer, or let me speak, and You can reply.” Job 13:22

When we were serving in Maui in 2016, Margie and I were part of an after-school program that brought a Bible study into a local elementary school. As we did, our small 3-4 person team wore matching t-shirts that we found in the back of a closet at the church. On the back the shirt read, “Prayer Changes Things.” A very factual truth, yet a truth that must be explored. For you see, what exactly does prayer change? When we pray do we change God’s mind? When we pray do we change our situation to one that is more favorable for us? You see, the harsh yet true fact is that many times our prayers to God are nothing more than orders. Sure, we might use the term prayer request, but what we are actually doing is giving orders to the boss. And then when we place our prayer orders with God and they are not answered to our liking, we become perplexed as to why God has not answered them correctly and timely. A vicious cycle that has brought me to the conclusion that those t-shirts, in a more pointed truth, should have read, “Prayer Changes Us.”

Job continues his rather vicious response to his friends in chapter 13 of the book that bears his name. He calls them out in their poor heartless advice to him with such personal descriptors as, “whitewashing liars”, and “worthless physicians.” I think it’s safe to say we’ve now moved beyond simple friendly dialogue with these four. But after Job rebukes his friends, he moves into the realm of addressing God. And as he does, he clearly and simply lays out what he wants and expects from God. I will call out to you and tell you what I think, what I want, and what I need, then you simply answer me back immediately. Oh, if it only worked that way. And for Job, we will watch God teach him a lesson on timely prayer response as God does not answer him for another 25 chapters. What for us is a few pages of thin, whispy Bible paper is for Job a lengthy period of suffering, reasoning, and wondering. Countless hours and minutes for Job to ask himself, why will God not answer me when I want Him to? Why will He not answer when I am suffering so greatly? Where is God when I really need him the most? Folks, in our purest pain comes our purest cry.

Our prayers to God are not meant to change God’s plan. God’s plan is already perfect, it doesn’t need changing. Our prayers are not meant to alter our situation to one of our liking. God has every moment of suffering, grief, trial, and mourning carefully placed into our lives to shape and hone us into the servants He desires. Our prayers to God are not presented to change anything other than the heart that is presenting them. You see, in the process of crying out, God is teaching us. He is teaching us that we have a caring Savior that listens and consoles. He is teaching us that talking to God does not require an immediate response or solution. He is teaching us that merely talking to Him is enough.

Today, center your prayers around worshiping, praising and loving the One that gave you life. Revel in the glory that you can speak to the very One that created the sunlight that shines upon your face in this day. Be amazed that you can talk to the One that breathed into existence everything with His mere Words. Take great joy that you can call upon the name above all names, the king of kings, the Lords of Lords. And as you do cry out, He will recline His ear towards you and hear your words. Don’t just see prayer as an order line to God to get what you need, instead, see prayer as a way to praise, honor, and show gratitude to the One that saved your soul. Yes, prayer changes changes the heart that goes to its knees to issue sweet cries to its Maker.

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

chiles poblanos, Puebla, Mexico

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