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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Job 16 - The Friend You Want

“…miserable comforters are you all…” Job 16:1

They are kind, sensitive, and compassionate. No matter your situation they are attentive listeners, quick to hear and slow to speak. They are humble towards you and your situation and careful not to preach or debate out of their own experience. They are loyal, forgiving, comforting, and always within reach to offer the forementioned. They are also an example for your life, putting Christ first and allowing that to be the model for how they live and react to the world around them. They are calm and respond to situations in a way that is metered and peaceful. Considering all of the above, would you like to have a friend like this? I’m assuming your answer is a resounding yes. The follow up question however is a bit harder…are you this kind of friend?

Job chapter 16 finds him clearly and succinctly informing the three men in front of him what he thinks of their friendship. He is in pain; he has lost everything, and he is pleading with God to simply end his life and usher him into an uncertain eternity. Folks, when you encounter a man or woman in this position, it’s probably not the correct time to preach, debate, and lecture into their lives. And this is just what Eliphaz, Bildaz, and Zophar did. As a result, Job uses such descriptors for their friendship as “miserable”, “windy”, “scornful”, “liars”, “haughty”, “worthless physicians”, and “mockers of God.” Not exactly the list of qualities I’m looking for in a close friend as I suffer through the trials of life.

The power that friendship holds within our lives is quite the force to be reckoned with. And God acknowledges this fact in His Word. We see the physical suffering of Job encompass a small section of one chapter, but we see the suffering at the hands of his friends encompass a massive 26 chapters. God clearly has a lot to say about the importance of friends, the counsel they give, and the example they should follow (or not follow). Today, take a careful look around at your current friend situation. What kind of friends has God placed in your life? And then, more importantly, take a careful look in the mirror at what kind of friend you are to the others God has placed in your life. Just as God clearly defines the desired characteristics of a faithful Christ-follower, He also clearly defines the desired qualities of a Godly friend. Study those characteristics, pray over them, and commit to be the best friend you can be today utilizing those Godly traits. For in this way, you can be not the friend you desire, but the friend others desire.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Colossians 3:12-14

las puertas (the doors), Puebla, Mexico

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