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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Job 19 - Points of Light

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God.” Job 19:25-26

I recall being in a play where the stage crew needed to make a star lit backdrop. They grabbed an expanse of jet-black fabric and proceeded to poke small little pinholes randomly in its surface. They stretched it taught and illuminated it from the back with a powerful light. They then placed a rotating filter in front of the light and voila! A night sky shimmered, adorned with hundreds of twinkling stars. But as you were to behold that sheet, where would you personally focus your eyes, on the black or on the light? You see as far as square inches; the black is the master. The small pinholes of light struggle to pierce the dark, yet in their effort they are rewarded as small arrows of pure light shine through the darkness. And so it is with the struggles of life. Will you focus on the seemingly massive problems at hand…or will you focus on the pin points of light that breaks through.

Job chapter 19 has Job yet once again rebutting the attack of a friend. In this discourse Job spends his words focusing on the agony at hand. He compares himself to a fish caught in a net, all hope gone. He likens himself to a man that has his path blocked by a brick wall, barred from moving forward in his journey. He collates himself as a tree of hope violently pulled up by the roots. He equates himself as one who has the army of God attacking from all sides, no escape possible. All dark, hopeless metaphors. Yet in a very small pinhole of light, Job’s faith in Almighty God shines through. Out of the expanse of black hopelessness, Job’s faith in a righteous just God pricks the surface of darkness and allows a small stream of light to punch a hole in the black. I know that my redeemer lives…and He will live forever. In his darkness Job found the light of truth, God is forever and no matter what happens to our Earthly bodies, it will not ever change the everlasting truth of God.

Today, your circumstances may seem as dark as a cave on a moonless night. But folks, there is always light. The light of God shines through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this planet, God in a human body, born of a virgin. He came to save all people from their sin yet died on a cross at the very hands of the people He came to save. But in the glory of God, He is not dead. Jesus Christ rose three days later and walked out of death and into life, life that gives yet more life. For all that realize their sin creates a barrier between God and Heaven, Jesus is a ray of light that perpetually pierces the darkness of sin. For those that call upon Jesus as their personal Savior and Redeemer, the light is always present. For you see, no matter how dark the world may look, the glimmer of Heaven is always within view. It is glimmering against the backdrop of a dark world, glittering in the distance, reaching the eye of the redeemed. If you have never called upon Christ to save you from your sin, today is a good day. Today is a good day to change your eternity. And as a result, you will no longer focus on the darkness that looms, but the light that pierces eternity.

“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12

belleza entre espinas (beauty amongst thorns), Puebla, Mexico

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