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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Job 20 - The Day History Changed

“Do you not know this from of old, since man was placed on Earth?” Job 20:4

History is part of our world. A rather obvious statement yet one that is woven into our cultures, our societies, and even our beings, making us who we are and what we are. We might think that today is independent of seemingly meaningless antiquated wars, historical declarations, and the men and women that shaped them, but not so. History cannot be escaped. Writer and philosopher George Santayana was quoted with a saying we are familiar with, "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Santayana’s philosophical ideology being that history is cyclical in nature and with man being the constant in the equation, that the identical will repeat since the constant has not been factored out. But what if I were to tell you that there was indeed one day that changed the history of the world? A single day that cannot be reproduced, forlorn, or ignored? A day that changed all days to come.

Here we go again, Job and his friends are still at it. Arguing, debating, and belittling each other to prove their own reasoning and logic as to why exactly God is doing the thing He is doing. Oh, the arrogance of men, to assemble and discuss the ways of God. Yet that is exactly what is happening and in this discourse from Zophar in chapter 20, we see him base his accusation against Job on the most solid item he can grasp, history. His long flowery monologue is based upon the truth that the wicked shall not prosper on God’s watch. Technically a very accurate statement, yet par being the course, Zophar and his friends forget the biggest piece of the puzzle in which they are attempting to assemble, that God is God and He is independent of the history in which He creates. And in a day that changed history, a day that Zophar would never see, we see the grace of God change the world forever.

Yes, mankind is depraved, debaucherous, and sinful by nature. A nature not wanted but inherited from four hands within a garden. Yes, none are exempt from the ravages of sin that plague our flesh, but yet it is ever present. But God, in a day that changed the world, raised His only Son from the dead and allowed Him to walk out of the tomb which attempted to contain Him. The day that He folded His own death shroud was a day that altered the very fabric of mankind. A day that cannot be reckoned with by any mind, religion, formula, or nation. It stands alone as a day that saw the grace and mercy of Almighty God alter the very way mankind reacts to sin. Today, sin is not the death knoll it should be, for Jesus defeated death. Today, sin does not have to be rusty shackles that hold a life prisoner, Jesus created freedom. And today, sin does not have to keep you out of heaven, for Jesus made a way. If you have never asked Christ to save you from your sin, today is a good day to talk to Him. Tell him your sin, ask His forgiveness for it, and call upon His amazing grace to save you. And in a true show of His love, He is faithful to save all that call upon His name. You see, because of that one single day, you can have a home in heaven for eternity. In one single day, the love of God changed the history of the world.

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:9-10

fruta olvidada (forgotten fruit), Puebla, Mexico

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