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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Job 26 - One of the Hats

“He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.” Job 26:7

An individual that handles many different tasks is said in their busyness to “wear many different hats.” The idea of a mom pops into mind. As she handles her kids and husband, she must constantly be switching roles. She wears the hat of a loving mother and wife, the hat of a chef, the hat of a chauffeur, the hat of a nurse, a party hat for birthdays, and even at times, a policeman’s hat when she has to break up the constant sibling disputes. I picture the moms of this world with all these hats stacked on top of their heads, ready to quickly change to the appropriate one in a moment’s notice. But beyond just mom’s, most of us also have the necessity to wear many different hats every day. But there is one that wears the most by far, Almighty God. Which surfaces the question, how many hats do you see God wearing today?

Job chapter 26 starts the longest monologue of the entire book. Job speaks uninterrupted from chapter 26 to chapter 31. And in it he rambles on and on about God…not a bad thing. In fact, when I enjoy blessed fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray for just that. That our conversation can be centered around exploring the depths of the goodness of God. A topic that given a lifetime, cannot be explored enough. You see, in Job’s seemingly aimless exploration of the things of God, he discovers more about God. In the beauty of God, when we seek to explore and find more of God, He reveals more. And in chapter 26 Job extols about just one of the many hats of Almighty God, creator. Genesis clearly states that God created all that has ever been created with His mere Words. Viewing God as the creator develops an air of wonder and amazement in Job. As a result, the chapter is filled with power and majesty as Job is mesmerized by the power of God to suspend the Earth in mere open space. A world God created, hanging in the open space He designed to hold something with nothing.

Job easily acknowledged God’s hat of creator, but God also wears countless other hats. Just a few being the hats of sustainer, counselor, intercessor, provider, teacher, physician, and comforter. But there is one hat that God wears that He desires all to know today…that of Redeemer. You see, God desires all to come to believe in His Son Jesus Christ through faith. Beyond just recognizing that God created and sustains all, God desires that through Jesus Christ, you be saved from your sin though faith in the death and resurrection of Christ. God sent His Son here to bridge the endless chasm between Him and the sin of all mankind. He sent His only Son here to live, walk, and die among mere men. The very men and women that He came to save. And in this act of love, grace, and mercy, God made a way for you to see Him wearing the hat of Redeemer. Call out to Jesus today and ask Him to save you from the sin that separates you from a perfectly righteous God. Jesus is faithful to save all that call upon His name. And after you do, after the Holy Spirit rushes upon you, you will see Jesus in His glorious splendor, now wearing the hat of personal Lord and Savior.

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:13

una puerta abierta (an open door), Puebla, Mexico

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