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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter


Hello Monday! Hopefully nobody has a "case of the Mondays"... : ( (there's your free Office Space quote for the day) Marge & I had a great day working around the house, we finally got the garage emptied & the last of the Maui stuff unpacked (after only 3 months) and even got some stuff on the walls in the study.

While doing some upgrades on the new place we found out our master shower was about to fall down because of 20 year old termite damage so we got to build a brand new shower! It finally got finished today & looks great. (thanks Juan!) Even though it was unplanned (and not cheap) it's a joy to have a brand new shower! We love our new home and feel so blessed by God to have a place to call our own. Home, sweet home indeed!

Since I finished the book of Luke in my 5MC yesterday I'm rolling right into the book of John today, the fourth of the 4 gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) In the first 5 paragraphs, John takes off like a jet fighter and it's awe-inspiring to hear his description of Jesus. There's so much here lets just make a checklist to see how many amazing ways he describes Jesus in just 18 verses.

> He was at the beginning....check > He was with God at the beginning....check > He is God.....check > All things were made through Him....check > Without Him was not anything made that was made....check > In Him was life....check > He was the light of men....check > He shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome Him....check > He is the true light & gives light to everyone....check > He was in the world & the world was made through Him....check > The world did not know Him & did not receive Him...check > He gives the right to those who believe in His name to become children of god...check > He became flesh & dwelt among us....check > He is the only son from the Father, full of grace & truth....check > From His fullnes we have all received grace upon grace....check > The law came through Moses but grace & peace came through Jesus....check > He has made God known....check

WOW....I mean just WOW. John covers all the bases here, leaving absolutely no question about who Jesus is & what He is capable of. Every time I read this passage I just want to cheer & praise Jesus as John describes Him in such glory, power, magnificince, and awe-inspiring detail. I serve a mighty God and Jesus IS God.

It still amazes and confounds me that this amazing God that John is describing wants to have a personal relationship with crazy ol' Dan Potter. This God of all creation, this God of light & love, this God of grace & peace wants to have a personal relation ship with a sinner like me. And, oh, how I need Him. I so desparately need His mercy, grace, peace & joy in this fallen world that is so full of anger, discord, pride & greed. He is my light and He gives me light. My prayer today is that all the lost, lonely, hurt, & hopless can claim this same joy, peace & light that is free through Jesus Christ. What a gift it is.

He came so that we can not only have life but have it and enjoy it to the fullest (John 10:10) Call upon His name today & start really living your life to the fullest.

May peace fall on your shoulders like a soft rain. Blessings.

Marge & me with a waterfall on the Pipiwai trail in Hana, Maui.

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