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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Happy Aloha Friday! When Margie & I were in Hawaii, every Friday in the islands was a big deal and referred to as “Aloha Friday”. In fact, way back in the 60’s the Hawaiian government launched the first casual Fridays by encouraging people to wear ‘aloha shirts’ (Hawaiian shirts) to work on Fridays to better promote the island vibe to tourists. The vibe is still around, and Fridays are treated as a little more laid back. (if it’s possible to be more laid back in Hawaii!)

Marge & I went down to Combine yesterday to pick up the last 3 totes of photo albums and books and for the first time in 3 years the house is ‘whole’. Got to visit with Nonny & Pop (my parents) for bit & we had a great time just hanging out. Mom always told me the most valuable thing you can give someone is your time. Thanks mom & dad for always, throughout my life, giving me your most valuable asset, your time.

I have a dear friend that is a professor at Southwestern Seminary here in Fort Worth and he is graciously having breakfast with me this morning followed by a tour of the campus. Due to this I rose earlier than normal this morn (5am) to make sure & fit in my 5MC. (I’ve learned that you must make God’s Word a priority in your life or something else will very quickly take its place!)

We’re moving into the final stages of Jesus’ time on the Earth and this morning in John chapter 13 Jesus washes the disciple’s feet. This is a moving example of servanthood and humility by Jesus, but as always there’s more here than meets the eye, let’s explore a bit.

Why wash their feet, what is the symbolism? For that answer let’s go back and look at how the average person of the day bathed. There was no running water in the homes, so everybody had to use public baths. You would walk over to the facility, take a bath and then walk back home. So here you are, squeaky clean from your bath, but with a pair of open sandals on for the walk back home. Guess what? Your feet got dirty on the way back! The streets of the cities were filthy in that day, they were filled with dirt, mud, animal waste and even the garbage was thrown into the streets. As soon as you got back home from your bath you would need to wash your feet. The symbolism? Even though you were clean from a fresh bath, your feet were now filthy because of your walk in the world. (v13:10) “the one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean.”

Jesus is telling us here that even though one can be clean, walking in this world full of sin will make your feet dirty. So why the feet? The feet are symbolic of a believer walking in the way of Jesus. Do your feet take you in the direction that Jesus is calling? Romans 10:15b “How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the good news.”

So He’s talking about getting physically clean but how do you get ‘spiritually’ clean? How does God wash us today? God’s Word. Check out these scriptural examples:

Psalm 119:9 “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your Word.

John 15:3 “already you are clean because of the Word that I have spoken to you.”

Eph 5:25-26b “also as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of the water with the Word.

So we can see now this beautiful act of Jesus kneeling to wash the feet of the disciples is telling them, you are going to be cleansed by my Word but you are still going to get your feet dirty from walking in a sin filled world. Wash each other’s feet, thereby holding each other accountable for your walk through this world. (v13:14) “If then your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

Another beautiful lesson here, one of cleansing, accountability, servanthood and humility towards others. Praise be to God for the power of His Word and praise be to God for the sweet rain!


Our dear friends from Viillage Baptist, Pastor Matt & his beautiful wife Grace....We're praying for you guys!!!

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