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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Good evening. A full day today as I had my first day of strategic planning, and job familiarization. Thanks to both Jonathan & Craig for travelling to Fort Worth for the meeting all the way from Arkansas & Oregon!

While here we had to of course take these guys for some great Fort Worth food. We had a great lunch at Cousins BBQ (some of the best in Fort Worth) and then dinner at Mi Cocina in Sundance Square. (Nachos..mmmmm)

What a blessing to be able to be a part of this great company and with such great people. This company's great vision promises to do many great things in the lives of so many all over the globe.

Due to our meeting I had my 5MC reading this morn but am just now getting to my writing tonight as I wind down. I'm in John chapter 18 where I find what I call the Jesus shuffle as He is arrested and shuffled from Annas to Caiphas to Herod to Pilate. Nobody knew what to do with Jesus. I wrote a full post on this when I was in the book of Luke, you can find it in my older posts if you wanna partake.

When I got to verse 37 & 38 it spoke to me. In those verses Pilate is questioning Jesus and this is Jesus' response, "for this purpose I have come into the world-to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. Pilate said to Him, what is truth?"

What is truth. What a response from Pilate. The question still stands today. What is truth. Truth is defined as "in accordance with fact or reality, accurate or exact." We can easily define truth but how do we find truth? How do we identify truth? How can we know truth?

The word truth appears 235 times in the bible. God wants us to know about truth, it's important to Him. When I think of the truth I think of trust. Trust is built on truth. How can you have one without the other? Jesus is clear in telling us a few chapters back that He is the truth (John 14:16) The one thing that you can trust in this world is Jesus. People will let you down, jobs will let you down, relationships will let you down but my friend, Jesus will never let you down. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He will never leave you or forsake you. What He says you can take to the bank. What peace I have today knowing that with all the sin, hurt, betrayal and mistrust in this world there is one thing I can depend on 100% day in and day out...the love of Jesus.

That is what the truth is.

Look in the mirror today & you'll see someone who is blessed!

fun times at the student retreat

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