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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

JOHN 2 & 3

Good morning and welcome to another sunny hot day in Texas. For those of you that know me well you know how much I love sunshine. It's kinda funny that out of the places God has had us in the last few years (Maui, Hawaii, Florida, Hong Kong, Fort Worth, etc) that the absolute sunniest spot out of them all is....North Texas! Yes, believe it or not, its consistently sunnier here than even Maui! Go figure.

I had a great time in my 5MC challenge this morning because I finally found the box that had my bible commentaries in it! A 'commentary' is an accompanyment to the bible from an author that elaborates or 'comments' on each individual verse of each book of the Bible. I was given one in Maui (thanks Pastor Jay!) that is a 5 book set, authored by Dr. Vernon McGee, the West Texas pastor and host of the 80's & 90's radio show 'Thru the Bible'. This commentary set has really opened up God's Word to me & helped me to think through the scriptures more deeply. If you don't have a commentary I strongly recommend you grab one!

This morning I continued on in John and covered all of chapter 2 through 3:15. I came across Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine and with the help of my commentary would like to share and elaborate.

I've read of this miracle many times but this morning came across something new and beautiful. This is a true testament to the power of God's Word, that He can use it to speak different & new lessons into your life depending on where He has you at that particular moment.

Most of you probably know the story pretty well. Jesus is invited to a wedding along with His disciples and His mother. The family hosting the wedding is a poor family & the wine quickly runs out & they have no more. Mary tells Jesus which seems odd as He has never performed or done anything else miracalous at this point. She enlists Jesus some help & tells them to "do whatever He says". Gotta love moms, right?

Here's where the story gets good. Jesus calls for 6 waterpots. Now these waterpots held 20-30 gallons each & were used in ceremonial Jewish cleansing and because this family was poor the pots would be beaten & battered. Because of this they would have been stored out of sight of the wedding guests. I'm sure they hoped that the guests would pay them no attention and it probably embarrased them when Jesus asked for them to be brought out into the middle of the celebration. He had them filled with water and then when it was ladled out it was 'good wine' not the 'poor wine'. (v2:10)

Now here is the beautiful lesson of this miracle that I had not fully grasped until this morning. I am going to quote directly from Dr. Vernon McGee's commentary.

"This holds a great spiritual lesson for you and me. Jesus uses us as water pots today. We're just beaten and battered water pots. We're not attractive and ought to be pushed to the side and covered up. But He wants to use us. He wants to fill us with water. What is the water? The water is the Word of God, friend. He wants to fill you and me with the water of the Word of God. Then, after He fills us with the water of the Word of God, He wants us to ladle it out. When we ladle it out - I don't know how to explain it - but when the water leaves the water pots and gets to those for whom it is destined, it becomes wine. It becomes the wine of joy through the working of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes that water and performs a miracle in the life of the individual that it is being poured into."

Wow, what a beautiful picture. I've long believed that we are simple vessels that are meant to be filled to overflowing each day for one purpose & one purpose be poured out into the lives of others. This is a beautiful picture of that.

Be filled with God's Word every day as you accept the 5MC and this will allow you the ability to pour right back into someone elses life. Someone that desparately needs God's Love.

Enjoy God's sunshine, my friends.

the bamboo forest on the 2.2 mile Pipiwai trail in Hana, Maui. The trail ends at 400ft tall Waimoku Falls

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