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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter


Happy hump day! I'm really happy to be in the car leaving Ikea...that place is crazy! I realize why they put food at the half way point, because if you get lost you could starve before you could find your way out!

Marge & I were sofa shopping & it's kinda odd to think about putting together your sofa when you get home. It's also funny to see how differently we shop for furniture. Margie is all about the style, color, texture & period influence & I just sit on it to see if makes me wanna take a nap....ha! Men are from Mars....

I had my 5MC this morn but am just now getting to my post & I'm taking advantage of Margie driving & some nasty traffic on I-20 in Arlington.

I read on in John & found Jesus meeting the Samaritan women at the well. Starting out the story in verse 4:5 it says "Jesus had to pass through Samaria." I've never stopped to think about this. Why did Jesus have to pass through Samaria? He was leaving Judea & going to Gaililee & there were at least 2 other ways to get there without going through Samaria. Also Jews didn't really fraternize with Samarians anyway so why do you think He "had" to go through there? I think He was called. I think He was in tune with the Father & He knew there was a reason the Father would ask Him to go this way. He soon found the woman at the well & her salvation awaited her as well as the salvation of many others in the town. He was told to go & He went.

This struck my heart as 2 keys to this story have been a recurring theme in our lives the last several years....availability & obedience. I've learned personally that if you make yourself 100% available to God He will do amazing things with you. He'll start out with small things and the more small things you accomplish the larger things He'll start entrusting you with. This is where obedience comes in.

Eventually the tasks are going to get big & will seem too big for us to achieve. But they're not too big for God. It takes obedience to God to take on what he calls us to so that then & only then, He can be glorified & work through you.

Jesus was at the well to meet the woman because of availability & obedience to the Father. Listen to God & don't miss opportunities that He presents. They might seem crazy but just be obedient & hang on for the ride, God will do the heavy lifting.

Availability & obedience. Give God these 2 things and He will use you in a mighty way that will astound & amaze you at His glory, time & time again.

As the song says....Our God is an awesome god!

beautiful scene driving the "back way" to Hana on Maui.

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