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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Good (early) morning! Marge & I are up early this morning, so we can drive over towards Tyler, Texas for our nephews 1st birthday party. On the way we’re going to pick up a few other nephews for some ‘rolling quality time.’ I love these guys, it’s so good to be back so we can spend some hours alongside them and offer them some encouragement and wisdom from the Lord. Young people are in such need of God’s wisdom today in this crazy self-serving world. Whether it’s nephews, granddaughters, students, or kids at church, find someone younger than you this week and pour into their lives. You’ll be glad you did.

I got up a few hours earlier than needed so I could have my 5MC. How pleasant it is to get up early when it’s so quiet and still dark to sit with God’s Word. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still & know that I am God.” How true this is. This is just like when I talk to Margie, she loves it when I’m still, quiet, look into her eyes and listen to her attentively. God is no different.

I found my stopping point in John chapter 6 from yesterday’s 5MC and just started right back up. The theme that God spoke to me this morning in my reading is one of disbelief. A theme that follows Jesus as He heals, performs miracles, and forgives sins is one of disbelief. Even as people witnessed these things with their own eyes they did not believe. How is it that as humans we just have such a hard time believing?

It reminds me of being a kid at the State Fair of Texas. You guys know how much I LOVE the State Fair of Texas! (BTW…it’s only 55 days & 2 hours away!) As I would walk down the midway I would stare in amazement at all the crazy offerings. The world’s smallest man, a 2 headed calf, the world’s longest snake and on & on. As a youth I believed, but as I grew older I grew to doubt ALL these claims. I mean really for only 2 coupons I could see the biggest crocodile in the world? How can they even prove that?

I can’t tell you what specific event or series of events that happened in my life to cause this doubt, but it happens to all of us at some point. Out of a need for safety and self-preservation we start to look at everything with cautious eyes and a cautious heart. People in the bible didn’t know they were in ‘bible times’, they were just the same as you and me today. As they saw Jesus, witnessed the miracles and heard His claims of everlasting life, they were probably just like me standing in the middle of the State Fair’s midway saying, “really?”

Life has a way of naturally making us doubters. We’re hurt by loved ones, betrayed by friends, dumped by girlfriends and boyfriends, lied to & cheated & abandoned. It’s the world we live in, a world full of sin, pride and hate. But is this the way we are to live our lives? Never to truly trust & Love?

God is truth and God is love. He never lies, will never leave you and will never betray you. He created you, knows everything about you and loves you more than you can ever imagine. In spite of everything you’ve ever done wrong, He still has a love for you that transcends anything you’ve ever known. All you have to do is be willing to move beyond the hurt, betrayal and distrust and trust in Him. He is always there, just call on His name and He will answer. Experience God’s love today.

Much love to you all, cherish the time with the people God places in front of you today!

good times at youth camp on Maui!

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