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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

Joshua 20 - Finding Your Refuge

Updated: May 21, 2020

As we continue to ease into the role of being parents of a fur baby, we are learning some lessons we never knew we needed. Overall Blue is a very good, low maintenance dog, but dogs in general have specific characteristics and needs that we are just unfamiliar with. One being the den or crate mentality of canines. We’ve learned that dogs are denning animals and the crate we humans consider a small prison cell, they consider safety, comfort and refuge. When something startles them, their world gets too loud or life just gets too darned stressful for them, they can retreat to their den-like area that is familiar, relaxing and comforting. It’s taken a few nights, but we have even gotten Blue to be comfy in his crate overnight, being quiet and content as he (and us) get some valuable Z’s. But you know me, the 5MC is not about dog care, it’s about how to better understand God’s Word in order to utilize it to fulfill the purpose Jesus Christ has for us today. So, what in the world does crating a dog have to do with God’s Word? Please continue reading.

Today we see in chapter 20 of Joshua a quick description and the locations of the cities of refuge. This is not the first time the cities of refuge have been mentioned in God’s Word. God first mentioned them to Moses in Exodus 21:13 and then fully discussed them in Numbers chapter 35. I dedicated an entire 5MC study to the cities of refuge for Numbers 35, you can find the study at under the Numbers tab or at this link:

But today, we’re not going to repeat a study of the cities of refuge, we’re going to look closer at the concept of it. Specifically, as it applies to us personally today. Let’s start off with a question that may seem a little odd. Just a Blue has a safe place to relax, decompress and refocus when his world gets to be a little too much, do you have a place like this? No, I’m not talking about your entire house, the inside of your car, your office or your backyard. I’m talking about a specific, defined small space where you specifically go to meet the Lord every day. Not a place to nap, not a place to talk on the phone, not a place where the TV blares news 24/7, not even just a place to be alone. I’m talking about a place of refuge where you physically go to meet the Lord each and every day.

Many people take this concept to be suggestive rather than literal. I mean how exactly can the God of the universe meet me in a small space I deem to be my refuge? Don’t limit God and where He can and will meet you. Yes, of course, God can meet you anywhere, this is a given. You can call upon God on any square inch of this Earth, but the personal place of refuge is not for the benefit of God, it’s for your benefit.

You see, you have to train yourself to go to this place, be quiet, be still, call upon God and then remain still as you give Him your undivided attention and listen for His voice. Structure your day around meeting God in this place. Again, to many, you may discount this idea of somehow limiting God to a certain place, but again, this is not about God, it’s about you, your patterns, your mind and your habits. I have many people tell me they have quiet time with God in their car on the way to work. I’m not sure what their commute is like but come on, you can’t be quiet, still or focus in a car, way too many distractions. Or what about work? Can you have your place of refuge be at your desk on your lunch break? If you’re work is tough you might be throwing up some prayers during lunch, but come on, you can do better for God. Your place of refuge is where you will meet with Almighty God every day. Find or create a place that will honor His presence with your undivided attention and complete focus.

For me each morning, my place of refuge is where I write the 5MC, my home office. I start off the day alone in the dining room, in the same chair, to study God’s Word before I write. When God has revealed a topic, title and intro idea, I pick up my Bible and study books and excitedly hurry off to my refuge. I walk in shut the door and enjoy the silence and still. I’m so excited each and every morning for this time. God meets me in this place every morning. He speaks, I listen, I pray, I study more and then He gives me the words to write and I simply type them into the keyboard. I tell people God and I have a very simple arrangement for the 5MC, He gives me all the words and I just type them in.

For two years, God and I have met in this place and I can’t begin to describe the moments we’ve had. It’s not uncommon for me to be moved to tears or goosebumps as God reveals himself and speaks to me during this time. My place and time of refuge is one of the most valuable gifts that God has given me.

Now as you start today to locate and setup a place of refuge where you will have your daily meeting with God, please don’t misunderstand me. You are not limiting God to one place or one time. You are not limiting God to speaking in this one place, but remember, this is not for God, it’s for you. Recall Blue’s crate analogy, this is a place that you can retreat to as many times a day as necessary so you can be calm, be still, relax, retreat from the world and refocus on the peace of Jesus.

The idea of a place of refuge is very important to God, so much that He mentions it over 67 times in His Word. Today, don’t miss the principle of what He is saying about true refuge. We are all guilty of sinning against God, a penalty that deserves death, i.e., eternal separation from God. But He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be a place of refuge for us. We can run to Jesus for safety and solitude, and in Him, our souls will be saved. Jesus is our refuge and in Him we will find the solitude our soul craves daily.

Set up a place and time and bask daily in your refuge, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

“For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat” Isaiah 25:4

“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” Psalm 46:1-3

“I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:2

“In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge” Proverbs 14:26

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2

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