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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Judges 2 - The Grass is Greener

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

Look over there, do you see it? Yes, way over there, just over that fence. Over there is better. The scenery better, the flowers brighter, the air sweeter, the grass greener. Oh, the crazy nature we have as humans. Why does it always seem better over there? The house across the street is better, the car around the corner is newer, their spouse is funnier, their kids are smarter, they have better jobs, he has more stuff, she has a closer relationship with God. Our heads are always on a swivel to see just what is better than what currently lies in our hands. And if it seems better, well, then we deserve it right?

You’d want to say that this is some kind of modern behavioral disease, but don’t kid yourself. If there is one constant in this world it’s that human nature has not changed in thousands of years. I can’t necessarily make a claim about cavemen behavior, but I can confidently go back as far as the Bible takes me, and simply observe the human nature that God shows us. And in that we see people that could easily be living among us today. It’s kinda funny to think about someone in 3500 B.C. being envious of another’s tents, donkeys, clothes, or sheep, but it did happen. Humans create hierarchy and within the construct of this hierarchy breeds the evil of envy and covetous. It has and always will exist.

As we look at Judges chapter 2 today, we launch at supersonic speed right into rebellion. It sure doesn’t take long after Joshua leaves the scene for the people to stray far from God. In one chilling verse we see the reasoning.

“And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.” Judges 2:10

As Joshua’s generation all died, the families they left behind did not know the Lord or anything about the great works He had done. What a horrible failure. You know, you can’t just read this and condemn Joshua’s generation as failures, we have the same responsibility today. How would you judge our generation at passing on the knowledge of God and the importance of following Him in humility and faith? As I look around the world today at the hate, anger, violence, and intolerance, I wouldn’t rate us any better. You see, each and every generation has a responsibility to God. To teach your children and all those around you about the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How will people know if they are not told? And this verse proves just that. Their parents followed God but those same parents failed to tell and teach their kids, friends and neighbors. Heartbreaking actions that will soon bring about heartbreaking results.

As a result of this generation not knowing or pursuing the Lord, we catapult right into the cycle of disobedience that repeats viciously throughout scripture. Without the guidance and wisdom and God, their heads begin to swivel and they look around. They look over the fence. And because every single tribe had failed to drive out the evil people of the land that God had commanded, they had plenty of other gods to shop around for. Look at that god over there, you can worship him by having all the sex you want with anybody you want, that’s sounds better than what our old God would allow. Look over there, if you sacrifice your first child to that god, he will give you lifelong riches, wealth and prosperity. Look over there, if you do this thing then that god will give you that thing. As the people looked around, they saw worship of Baal, Ashtoreth, Dagon, Chemosh and over 40 different gods from Egypt. They could simply take their pick. Pick your poison.

When hearts openly disobey and rebel against God, it breaks His heart. Just as if a child were to openly and defiantly reject the good his parents have for him. Why would a child reject the best his parents have for him? Why would he pass on the good that is before him to instead choose something that is fun in the moment but damaging long term? I’m sure God asks this same question of us every moment of every day. Why did this generation pass on the blessings and promises of Almighty God to instead worship false gods and idols that would bring satisfaction to their flesh, but bring condemnation from God?

It really comes down to vision. Long term versus short term. How far down the road are you looking? Are you looking for satisfaction in the moment? Because if you are, your flesh can accommodate you. Today, you can seek out sex, alcohol, money, pornography, drugs and material stuff to make you happy, it can be yours. But at what cost of your tomorrow? You see, to follow God is to have long term vision. God has a plan that does not involve immediate satisfaction of the flesh, but eternal Salvation of the soul through Jesus Christ. God has a plan that involves so much more for us, we need only follow His ways, not ours. But of course, that is where the caveat lies. Self-denial.

As we are learning life with our new dog, Blue, I’m not sure who is being trained the most. Watching a dog process and learn a new atmosphere is fascinating. I’ve had so much fun working with and training Blue. We’ve learned sit, stay, come, fetch, shake and proper leash walking. But one command that has been invaluable is “leave it.” You see, Blue will passionately pursue whatever seems good to him in the moment. Whether it be a fire hydrant, food off our table or even a plant in the backyard, if it seems appealing, he partakes. But if I say "leave it", he knows that I disapprove of his decision and because of his training, he passes on his decision.

This started me thinking about whether or not we possess this same level of training when it comes to obediently following Christ. We as Christians still possess the human sin nature to look across the fence and see what will satisfy us in the present. But as we move in the direction of imbibing upon what may not be good for us, can we hear God simply say, "leave it?" And if we do hear it, will we obey, or as Blue sometimes does, just do it anyway and hope the punishment is not too severe?

This new generation of Israelites found out that reckless disobedience to God does indeed carry quite the harsh correction. We find out what happened as God called them back into obedience.

“So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he gave them over to plunderers, who plundered them. And he sold them into the hand of their surrounding enemies, so that they could no longer withstand their enemies. Whenever they marched out, the hand of the Lord was against them for harm, as the Lord had warned, and as the Lord had sworn to them. And they were in terrible distress.” Judges 2:14-15

Blatant disobedience to God carries a cost. It may seem God is punishing here, but you have to again, think about this as a loving parent. A parent loves a child enough to never give up. As the child strays, the parent loves them enough to correct and rebuke them in an effort to call them back into obedience. And it’s all for the child’s long term good. Our Heavenly Father is no different.

Today, looking around too much can get you into trouble. The grass will always look greener to our flesh, but it’s just an illusion. The greenest grass you will ever encounter is the grass that brings you the closest to Jesus. There will be grass that seems greener in life, but the illusion will only draw you away from Jesus as you seek what your eyes desire. Ask Jesus to teach you the command of “leave it” today. Leave the things of this world behind that will bring you harm and separation from Christ, and focus only on the things of God that will draw you ever closer to Him.

Take some time today to pray for somebody in person.

Sculpture at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii

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