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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Judges 5 - Give Praise Where Praise is Due

Thank you, please, yes ma’am and no sir. The basics of being polite and proper as I was taught growing up. If you desired something from someone else, you offered a heartfelt please at the beginning or end of your request. If someone did something nice for you, it was of course, only appropriate that you delivered a sincere thank you for the goodness they offered you. If an elder was in your presence, you respectfully addressed them as sir or ma’am. Ironically, when you are raised in a certain way from youth, you assume the rest of the world was raised that way as well. Not quite.

After we got married, we moved around a few times, but always within Texas. As a result, we never strayed very far from these rules of politeness. But as we moved to Hawaii, I realized the harsh reality that not everyone grew up under the influence of the southern rules of manners. And apparently, some did not grow up with manners at all. As our society continues to grow and morph into a post-Christian presence, I see less and less of good ol’ common manners and decency. I know I might sound like an old codger here, but I can’t deny the simple facts of this that stare at me each day, proving my point. Where are the pleases? Where are the thank yous? And regardless of whether or not there is a ma’am or sir attached, where is the respect for our fellow man.

This is never more apparent to me than at restaurants. I always have my head on a swivel at dining establishments to listen in on the patrons surrounding me. As orders are being placed I hear “I want” and “bring me” but sadly, most often vacant from the ordering process is a please. As food, drinks or necessities arrive to the table at the hands of another, I so want to hear a thank you for the server’s efforts, but I’m usually as disappointed as the server. Even when we are dining with friends and family, I often notice that we have gotten out of the practice of simply being polite to others. The general and common respect and appreciation of the people around us is waning.

So, if my supposition is correct, is this also true of how our society deals with God? Especially for Christians, but applying to all, are we polite towards God? Yes, it may sound a little silly, but are you polite to God? Do you have good manners towards God? When you ask Him for something do you say please or do you simply expect Him to comply out of His “Godly duty?” When you offer up a desperate prayer to God and He answers that prayer, do you say thank you or it is quickly forgotten until you need something else from Him in the near future?

And in describing giving a thank you to God, there is no better way to describe it than simply…praise. As you are acknowledging how good God is to you on a daily basis, are you offering Him the praise that He so richly deserves? I was raised on the basis of, “give thanks where thanks is due.” But I ask you today, “are you giving Praise where Praise is due?”

Today in Judges chapter 6, we see just this situation. In chapter 5 we saw God’s judge, Deborah, lead Barak into battle against the evil king Jabin. The Lord led them, fought for them, and delivered them the victory. As a result, we see an entire chapter in God’s Word devoted to their thank you to God. Deborah and Barak are quick to acknowledge the mighty hand of God and what He did for His people. As a result, praise is lifted to the Heavens in the form of a song. They are singing out to God with thankful hearts…they are giving praise where praise is due.

But in this process of giving praise, don’t fall into the snare of placing personal evaluation on what you deem worthy of your praise. I see many that carefully examine God’s work to look only for the miraculous events or great feats and only then, deem Him worthy of their praise. I would challenge you to not simply or casually look for the amazing feats of God, but desperately dig for all of it. You see, God’s goodness is layered throughout every nuance of your life. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder for it, but it’s there. If I get into a low spot where it seems hard to spot God’s good work in my life, I start out big and work to the small. Are you breathing today? Praise God for the air in your lungs! Have you called upon Jesus as your Lord? Praise God that this planet is not your home, you are a citizen of Heaven! Are you loved today? Praise God that He has gifted you with someone to love you! Is God feeding you today? Praise God that He is giving you your daily bread! Are you searching the truths of His Holy Word every day? Praise Him that He went to so much trouble to leave us His very Words to guide us, encourage us and save us from our sin! Friends, give praise where praise is due, for our Heavenly Father is so worthy!

As you walk your journey today, don’t forget to simply be polite to God for all He has done and will do in your life. But also, as you walk your journey today, don’t forget to simply be polite to the people God puts in your life. We are told by Jesus:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

Do you like it when someone gives you a sincere thank you for your good efforts towards them? I know I do, it makes me glow. Do you get a warm feeling when someone makes a request of you and prefaces it with please? I know I sure do, it makes me feel so appreciated. Friends, if you desire it for yourself, God says give that same treatment to anyone today that crosses your path. Anyone. Treat others exactly as you wish to be treated. Oh, what a glorious planet this would be if we could all adhere to this simple command of Jesus Christ.

Today, don’t miss your many opportunities to Praise God. He is so good to us. His love for us is extravagantly rich and deep. His blessings flow to us like an endless stream of living water. See the good of God in your life today and simply give Praise where Praise is due.

“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.” Psalm 145:3

The sun rises over Cozumel, Mexico

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