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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

Leviticus 12 - Sinners make Sinners

One of the biggest single factors of realizing our need for Jesus is the same one that keeps most in the dark. The fact of sin. Who has it, who commits it, who is immune. Our powerlessness against understanding and processing sin is quite amazing in its own right. The simple fact that something totally out of our control can somehow be perceived as within our control. I guess you could say the mere thought that we are without sin or can control it is also a big river in Egypt.

This morning we look at a rather graphic chapter in Leviticus that deals with childbirth. Specifically, what, when, and how God commands women to atone for childbirth. One week for a male, two weeks for a female, and then 33 additional days after that. It all culminates in both a burnt and a sin offering at the tabernacle. It seems a lot of atonement for the beautiful process of bringing a new child into the world but well, as usual, God see things much differently than we do. We’re told in Isaiah 55 that God’s ways are not our ways and His thinking is far above our thinking. Tru dat. As a result, God sees childbirth much differently than we do.

I hate to burst your bubble but here it goes…you’re a sinner. You can’t help it, you can’t stop it and you can’t change it. Ever since Adam and Eve shared that fruit in the garden, every single person that has been born, inherited that ugly strand of DNA. It was automatically included for you regardless of your sex, race, location, lineage or era. You’re a sinner, I’m a sinner and every single person in line too early at a black Friday sale this morning is a sinner. That should tell you a few things. You’re not perfect, nor is your spouse, your kids, your parents, or any other person that you will ever come into contact with. A world of sin inhabited by a world of sinners. Hopefully you’re getting the idea of the absolute, 100% coverage of sin in lives and in this world.

So, if you were born a sinner, guess what? Yep, your parents were sinners. Yes, even your dear old mom. That’s exactly what chapter 12 is dealing with here. The mother as she brings a child into the world. As the mom and dad are holding that new little bundle of joy, they see a perfect child capable of no wrong, God sees a sinner. A sinner that needs Jesus. After the mother bears childbirth, she must undergo a strict ritual of cleansing and sacrifice to atone for the sin of bringing a sinner into the world. You women can thank Eve for this bearance. Think back to Genesis 3:16, “To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.”

So, for a sinner to be born they have to be born of two sinners, a mom and a dad. This is exactly why Jesus being born of a virgin is such a critical component of the Gospel. If he had been born of two human parents, He would have inherited the very same sin nature we possess. But God’s Holy Spirit came upon Mary and she was with child directly from God. Jesus had no sin nature and therefore could live a perfect sin free life which would create in Him the perfect sacrifice to save mankind upon the cross.

As parents have that magical moment and first hold that newborn baby and look into that face, it’s just so innocent. And it is, for the time. But the sin nature is still there, just lying dormant, ready to surface as son as the legs start offering support. When that toddler starts moving freely, the sin ensues. Marge and I worked in the toddler department at church for a few years and…wow. If you ever truly doubt sin nature, go hang out with 20 toddlers. These kids haven’t been taught or fully formed right or wrong principles yet, but they know sin perfectly. They can lie, cheat, take stuff that’s not theirs, show great greed, be selfish and get angry and fight at the drop of a hat. Nothing against those kids, we were all that way, it’s just proof of sin nature in every life. In an instant we’re born in sin and we spend a lifetime trying to control it.

As you parents look at little Jimmy or Susie this morning, you see a saint, but folks, there is a sin nature below the surface that is in direct rebellion to God. A rebellious nature that desperately needs Jesus. Your job as a parent? Introduce them to Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can pay the high price of the sin that they will struggle with their entire lives. Don’t let the angelic face of your kids fool you, they need Jesus. We’re in a world today where many parents put their kids onto a pedestal that’s in the clouds. They think their kids are perfect and incapable of doing any wrong. The result is generations of men and women that have fully embraced their rebellion towards God. They take pride in their sin and even hold parades and rallies to promote their sinful lifestyle choices. Parents, love your kids enough to discipline them in the ways of the Lord. Discipline is good for the soul and will guide a life in the ways of God resulting in a life that is rich in love, goodness and righteousness. It’s not easy, it’s not fun, but in the end, it will save their souls as it points to their desperate need for Jesus.

“Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Pro 22:6

Blessings for your day.

Japanese garden, Monte Carlo, Monaco

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