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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Happy July 5th, I hope you all had enough fireworks yesterday to hold you over for another year! Marge & I are wrapping up the remodel on our home which of course has been dragging on & on & we were so thankful for our great friends Mark & Terri for dragging us away for a wonderful dinner at their home last night. It was so refreshing to be around a brother & sister & talk story. The lesson for us, never let life cause you to forsake fellowship with fellow believers, it's one of the critical ways we can stay energized for Christ.

This morning I started the Book of Luke, the third of the four gospels. In my 5MC I came across 2 miraculous conceptions. Elizabeth with John the Baptist (Luke 1:5-25) & of course Mary with Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Elizabeth was 'advanced in years' and must have been certain that she & Zechariah would never have kids. Mary was very young and probably a child was very, very far from her mind. I sat pondering what these 2 women must have been thinking & feeling as they both surprisingly find themselves carrying a child that God has told them would be very important to His plan. What a message...God creates all life and every life has a very specific purpose.

God is the creator of everything (Col 1:16) including you, me and every person on the planet that has ever lived or ever will live. Each one of us were created with a specific purpose and it is to glorify God and serve others with the gifts that He has specifically built into us. Use the God given gifts you have been blessed with and use them TODAY to do 2 very important things...Bless God & bless others.

Have a beautiful day in the Lord!

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