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Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 11 (from Hong Kong)

Happy City Hunt day from camp in Hong Kong! City Hunt is a huge photo scavenger hunt that takes place on the streets of Hong Kong. I'm so excited to see this beautiful city up close and personal with my all my great students from China! If you told me 60 days ago I'd be on a scavenger hunt in Hong Kong with 12 college students from all over China I'd call you cra-cra!

The camp is a beautiful thing to behold, how fortunate I am to be able to witness lives being affected and changed in such a huge way. When loving lives with purpose pour into other lives a beautiful transformation happens.

This morn in my 5MC I come across a couple of repeat subjects. If God's Word tells us something once it's important, if it comes up multiple times He is repeating Himself & REALLY wants us to pay close attention.

The Lord's prayer is in Luke 11:2-4 and we see the word I touched on yesyerday...daily. He wants us to really know that a healthy walk with Him is a daily walk with Him. No need to worry about tomorrow or next month or next year or your retirement. Also no need to regret about yesterday, last week or your childhood. Matt 6:34....Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. He is enough for you today.

I also come across Luke 11:-36 which talks about the light in you. I wrote on this just a few days back when we looked at Luke 8:16-18, the light in you & letting it shine. To be stated twice in such proximity, He really wants us to get this principle.

I especially love the last verse, verse 36. "If then your whole body is full of light having no dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light."

When you turn on a light in the darkness it has a permanent effect. The light conquers the darkness and you see...not just you, but all around you can now see as well, it illuminates and guides. Also if it's extremely dark a light can be seen from a great distance and others that need light will be attracted to the light as it's what they need and there is no substitute for light.

The examples of this is a true sight to behold. I see individuals that shine their light so brightly it is cast out like a light house, broadcasting a message of safety and direction to ships in distress....guiding them into to a harbor of calm waters during a raging sea.

Let your light shine today so that those in distress can easily see it and come to you and learn about His peace, joy and freedom.

Have a beautiful day, I'll be on the streets of Hong Kong with my students enjoying the sights and sounds of this beautiful city! He is good!

Our Sunshine Camp life group in Hong Kong enjoying a group massage.

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