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Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 11 (from Hong Kong)

Hello yet again from Hong Kong and day 5 of the Leadership Conference. Yesterday we had a team based scavenger hunt in downtown Hong Kong and what a day it was. I was ushered around by my students into every corner of the city...we walked over 10 miles and rode every type of public transit in the process...subway, train, ferry, bus & trolley. I'm so thankful for the experience, there is absolutely no way I could have ever had this type of immersion on my own as an American tourist. This is the way to see Hong Kong....with 9 young, energetic, Chinese speaking locals!

It's been tough to squeeze in my 5MC every morning at camp as I've battled jet lag, fatigue and time pressures as we start earlier & earlier each day. But I've chosen to make my time in God's Word each morning a priority. My hope is that each of you that read this, power through the obstacles that will rob you of God's wisdom and choose to be immersed in the goodness of His counseling Word for just 5 minutes.

This morn I hit on Luke 11:28 in which Jesus is responding to a woman & says "blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it."

It's funny how I keep coming across these affrmations to be in God's Word as I work the 5MC. He speaks to us through His Word!

As I ponder this statement I think about the middle part...who hears the word. How are you hearing the Word of God today? By reading it & meditating on it? By hearing it preached? By attending a bible study? For this verse to ring out in your life you must first hear the Word of God.

Put yourself in a place today to hear the Word of God. Make it the priority of your day. Meditate on it all day as you go about your duties. (Psalm 1:2)

The verse is very clear, if you hear God's Word today and keep it you WILL be blessed. I desperately need God's blessing today in my life & He has told me how to get it. I hope you do to. Claim God's blessings.

Much love from Hong Kong, have a beautiful, enriching time in God's Word today.

Our Sunshine camp life group at the top & bottom of the IFC, International Finance center

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