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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 12 (from Hong Kong)

Here we are on the morning of the last day of camp & campers are departing today to go back into all areas of mainland China. I've asked around & some students will fly but most students will return via train. One of my students, Grace, will be on a train for 2 days!

Yesterday at camp was an amazing, positive, day full of affirmations and encouragement. Exercises like mutual appreciation and intensive listening affected all on such a deep emotional level. It's so beautiful to see that no matter where you're from or what language you speak we are afforded the gift to connect emotionally and fully understand.

Each morning for the last 10 days I have risen at 6 and walked to the nearby McDonald's to get morning coffee for my 5MC. (I know right, McDonald's is everywhere!) This morn I passed a local wearing a t-shirt that said "every day is a new day." How true. And when I open God's Word this morn what do I come across but Luke not be anxious about your tomorrow. If you haven't visited this passage in the last 48 hours I STRONGLY recommend you read it today.

This is one of the most beautiful messages in His Word as it reassures us of His care, provision & love. He starts out with "therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life." My friends that is a command. Not a request, a suggestion or a recommendation but a command. Do not be anxious about anything in your life today.

I think back about the t shirt. Today IS a new day. The worries and hurts of yesterday are gone and tomorrow has enough worries of its own (Matt 6:34) We are commanded to live in this day AND not to be anxious about anything in it. He goes on to tell us about the beautiful provisions that He so richly provides us. Verse 31 is a life verse for me..."instead seek the kingdom of God & these things will be added to you."

God is helping us prioritize our life here. Put God first, seek His will, follow Him & He will take care of all the details. This is so apparent in our lives right now as it looks like this trip to China might end up in a beautiful job opportunity for us. We have been praying for God to provide us a job serving Him but instead of staying home & sending out resumes we came here to China to serve Him & others & here, we find His glorious provision.

Today is indeed a new day, do not be anxious or worry about anything in it. God knows your needs and HE will provide for them. Seek Him & serve Him today & then praise Him tonight as you watch Him usher you throughout your day with the greatest of love, care & peace.

Heres an activity for you today...grab someone special to you, look deeply in their eyes & tell them how much they mean to your life. It will be awkward at first but you will be shocked at the resulting blessing. Affirm each other as God affirms you.

Peace be to you my beloved!

Our awesome life group at Camp in Hong Kong 'sharing the love!'

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