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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 13 (from Hong Kong)

You never now where God will have you next when you let him lead...I'm enjoying my 5MC this morn from the 32nd floor of the Mira Moon hotel in downtown Hong broke yesterday & we've got 2 days before we fly back to Texas. A fellow mentor couple at camp were staying here & we were able to grab a room as well. Let's just say our environment changed greatly in 24 hours...ha!

It's so great to "reconnect" with my Margie after we've been in different rooms & leading different groups for the last 11 days. She's such a huge part of me it hurts to be apart.

I'm so thankful that God gave me this beautiful woman, she still makes my heart "twitterpate". Through God, He allows us a deeper love and I love this woman on levels I never thought I was capable of. I'm so thankful to be serving God with such a beautiful, warm, compassionate spirit. I love you Margie.

I sit here gazing out at Hong Kong harbor & reflect back on camp & the love, goodness & change that I was able to witness. When we love others unconditionally a beautiful thing happens....God shows up. I came to really love these students over the camp & it makes me more deeply realize the global need that exists to show others the Way. I will leave Hong Kong a changed man.

In my 5MC this morn in Luke 13:6-9 I read the parable of the barren fig tree. I always love it when the Word speaks of fruit. It's so vivid to me to think of an apple tree that solely exists to make apples. It can also do other things like bring beauty & provide shade but that's not it's true purpose...God created it to make apples. But what if it doesn't make apples?

Of course the comparison is to our lives and the fruit we are built to bring forth. What does that look like? There were many years that I am sad to say I did not bear much fruit. I would do good, go to church & try to help others but that's missing the mark. I was a fruit tree but I wasn't bearing the specific fruit that God had made me to produce. I was serving myself much more than I was serving others. When we fully submit our lives to God and allow ourselves to be fully & wholly used by Him, the fruit production will begin.

I know today that God's purpose for your life is to serve Him, serve others and bear fruit. Whether it's apples, oranges, lemons, strawberries or tomatoes (yes, they're a fruit) doesn't matter because we are all different and will all produce differently.

Serve God, serve others & watch the bushels overflow with beautiful, colorful fruit that will bless others & please God.

It's what your were made to do.

Bless a stranger today.

Margie & me with some of our sweet campers at Sunshine camp in Hong Kong.

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