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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 14 (from Hong Kong)

Here we are in our last full day in Hong Kong, we fly out in the morning & are ready to get back to good ol' Texas. We had a great morning of connecting with several local missionaries, it's amazing to see God connect His people for His use. Also made a promising business connection, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

After our meeting Margie & I went stumbling through Hong Kong looking for pizza and through the goodness of Google maps we found some (YUMMY!) On the walk we ended up going through the "Rodeo drive" of the city. Wow, there's a lot of big money in Hong Kong!

Also had a great time riding the Star ferry across Hong Kong harbor...amazing views!

My 5MC this morning took me to Luke 14:7-11, the parable of the wedding feast. This is a story of humility telling us if you sit yourself at the place of honor you could be asked to move to a lesser place but if you sit yourself in the lesser place you could be asked to a place of honor. It culminates in verse 11..."for everyone who exalt himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Yet another life lesson I need so desperately from the truth of God's Word. When I make too much of myself I will end up being humbled somehow. I need this constant reminder of being humble in front of others & in front of God.

God humbles & God exalts, I can't.

Can't wait to get back to Texas & hug you all...see you very soon!

Margie & me on the Star Ferry cossing Hong Kong harbor.

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