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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 18 (in the air from Hong Kong)

Here I sit on the plane heading back to Texas via Seattle, a long 18 hours of flight time to reflect. Margie & I are flying standby out of Hong Kong & what a beautiful lesson we have had this morning. Please let me share.

First thing this morning at the ticket counter in Hong Kong we were told the flight was full & to come back in 30 minutes to see if anything had changed. Upon our return all the standby seats were handed out and we stood there, next in line, with no seats left. Our hopes were dashed as there's only one flight per day from HK to Seattle. Looks like we'd be spending another night in HK & returning to the airport in the morning to try it all again. Home seems so far away.

In a strange turn of events the young agent gave us both 'pending' boarding passes & told us to go ahead & standby again at the gate although it is unlikely we would make the flight.

At this point we were both discouraged. It looks like we won't make the flight, won't get home anytime soon & now we have to go through all the trouble of going through security & customs too. You better believe that by this time we had really been throwing up some prayers for mercies on making this flight...we're so ready to go home.

We hustled to the gate to again wait & hope for the best. Boarding progresses...we find ourselves the last of 3 people standing at the gate. Everyone else has boarded, there is no one else around. They are about to close the door. We looked at each other, defeated. I smiled at the agent, I know she was doing everything she could. Then, an answered prayer. The gate agent motions us over, checks our passports one last time & prints out 2 boarding passes & hands them to us. The seats...1D & 2D....first class seats.

I went from an expectation of missing the flight to having a seat in the front of the plane. I didn't deserve this by any means but here I sit, our first time to ever fly first class. There's a lesson here & I need to find it.

Yesterday's 5MC in Luke 14:11 taught me that he who exalts himself will be humbled & the humble will be exalted. As soon as I got on the plane I opened my bible to hear God speak on this situation we had just lived. (Of course after a long prayer of praise for a seat on this plane!) And guess what I come across in Luke 18:14 in the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector? "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." This is the second time Jesus specifically mentions this within 4 chapters. He really wants me to understand this message.

As I stood at many gates & counters this morning with the hope of coming home fading away, I of course became frustrated with my situation. You can easily become short or rude with the people in front of you in situations like this, but I know that I serve Jesus and this entire trip has been about Him & not about me. I made a point to smile, joke and even ask about their day. I might miss this flight but their day might be much worse. I might be the only glimpse of kindness & love they see all day.

No matter the course of your day, humble yourself before others, be kind and do it with the heart of a servant. You won't always feel exalted but stay the course because Jesus tells us twice here in Luke that He WILL exalt the humble & God's Word is pure truth.

The flight attendant just took my meal order and handed me a hot towel & warm cashews and it brought tears to my eyes as God just showed me the real message here. How unworthy I am to have a 1st class seat on this plane. I didn't buy it, I dont deserve it & I didn't earn it. It's simply a gift I received & I can't fully understand why. This is the real lesson God is speaking to me at 33,000 feet. I don't deserve a seat on God's plane, much less a 1st class seat, but the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross allows me one. I don't deserve it, I can't buy it and I can't earn it. It's simply a gift. A beautiful gift of grace, mercy and unconditional love.

I am so thankful today to God for the lessons He so lovingly teaches me.

See you all soon in Texas, I'm fixin to recline back, catch some zzz's and enjoy this awesome good to each other.

Blessed with First Class from Hong Kong

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