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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Good morning all! Margie & I spent the night at the best bed & breakfast on the planet last night...Nonny & Pops in Combine, Texas! (Nonny & pop are my mom & dad) so great to be back & be able to love on (& be loved) by family!

I'm having my 5MC here in the kitchen of mom & dad's & I open up to Luke 22:66 thru 23:25. As I start reading I encounter what I call the Jesus shuffle. After He's arrested He is brought before the council. The council was an assembly of the religious leaders of the day also known as the Sanhedrin. It included Pharisees, Saducees and scribes (attorneys). (Interesting side note: it is well thought that Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin before his conversion)

The council quickly condemns Him & moves Him on to Pilate as they aren't sure what to do with Him. Pilate was the governor of Judea so of course had the authority to condemn Jesus to death for His crimes. After hearing Jesus' testimony Pilate finds no fault & doesn't know what to do with Him either so He ships Him off to Herod.

Herod was tetrarch of Galilee and Petrea, the region where Jesus was born so therefore had jurisdiction over Him. After hearing Jesus, he did not know what to do with Him either so he sent Him BACK to Pilate!

Wow, what confusion, no one seemed to know what to do with this Jesus guy as they bounced Him from council to circuit court to circuit court.

It brings up an interesting parallel that still exists today. What do we do with this Jesus guy? Is he God? Is he a prophet? Is he a great teacher? Is He the savior of the world? Some say He's not even real. The world applies many labels today to still try to define Him & figure out what to do with Him.

I think the single most important decision a person will ever make is just this...what are you going to do with Jesus? God's Word is crystal clear about Jesus and who he is if you believe the bible to be true. He is the son of God, born of a virgin as the perfect sacrifice that died for the sins of mankind to make a way for us to one day look upon the face of God in Heaven. If you admit you're a sinner, repent and put your trust & faith in him, you can accept His free gift of salvation.

So the question is the same as it was to the council, Pilate & Herrod in 33A.D....what will you do with Jesus?

Share the good news of Jesus today & share the biggest gift that mankind has ever known.

Abundant blessings to you all.

me & my life group on the streets of Hong Kong for city hunt day.

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