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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Good morning & Happy Sunday! I hope your all up & at em' and getting ready to head to a local church & worship the Lord that gives you life, joy & grace!

We FINALLY finished the remodel last night and the shower guy left at 1 in the morning because we wouldnt let him leave til it was finished...ha! What a release to know after church today we can come home to a nice quiet clean place with no tile saws, ladders, paint, tools and SAWDUST everywhere! If you've never done a home remodel before....DON'T!! : )

This morning I read in Luke 4:1-12 about the temptation of Jesus. The one thing I love about Gods Word is no matter how many times you read it it speaks to you differently each time. I noticed a few new things through the passage this morn.

First, the tempation happens immediately before He starts His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23) It seems curious that directly before He starts His ministry God has him begin by being tempted by the devil for 40 days. Preparation? Practice?

Second, Satan tempts Jesus 3 different times and each time Jesus only replies using God's Word. I love this example of how powerful God's Word can be. Jesus didn't argue with the devil or try to change His mind or even rebuke him, He simply let God's Holy Word do what it does. But this morning I noticed something else. On the third temptation the devil actually uses God's Word himself when tempting Jesus. Wow, talk about crafty. Satan knew the power of God's Word and how it was being used to defeat his plot and so on the third time he tried to trip up Jesus by doing the same thing. Satan is real, he is smart and his goal is to either slow or halt any progress to further God's kingdom. Scripture says he is like a roaring lion roaming around looking for someone to devour and that he has come only to steal, kill & destroy. (1 Peter 5:8 & John 10:10 respectively)

Be prepared for the flaming arrows of satan to be flying all around you today but know that God's Word can offer the defeat. Spend time in the Word today, put on the armor of God and be prepared for the spiritual battle that rages all around us.

God Bless your Sunday my friends! If you need me I'll be on my couch after church doing nothin that has to do with home improvement!

Maui rainbow

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