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Writer's pictureDan Potter

LUKE 5 (from Hong Kong)

Good morning from Hong Kong! Marge & I flew over 8000 miles on 3 legs yesterday & are oh so glad to be here! We had a great nights rest & are ready for a glorious day launching the 2018 Sunshine International Conference here at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. The SIC will host 200 top tier Chinese University students from all over China and offer them an exceptional week long training in leadership, management and workplace soft skills. It's going to be an awesome week!

It's always a blessing to be able to travel and experience different cultures firsthand. I believe God made us to travel and it satisfies one of His purposes in our lives. (Matt 28:19) We're looking forward to living in Hong Kong for the next 12 days to soak up the new customs, new faces and new experiences that God will offer. We are blessed to experience His world.

I was up early this morn at 5am & took a walk around the block searching for some hot black coffee. I eventually found some but realized it's not nearly as easy to find as in the US. That early I had to settle for some canned cold coffee until the local McD's opened at 6:30. That's another thing, the mornings here start at a reasonable hour unlike in the US (we caught traffic going to DFW at 4:30 in the morning!!) It makes me realize what a hectic, busy, 24 hour society the US is compared to the other nations we've experienced. We're busy, busy, busy.

Shifting gears, I'll be continuing my 5MC for the next 11 days from HK so stay tuned for thoughts on God's Word as well as insights from the SIC here in Hong Kong.

This morn in Luke 6:27-36 we find Jesus teaching on loving your enemies. What an unbelievable, seemingly unattainable list He offers up! He tells us to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who abuse you, turn the other cheek to those who strike you, if someone takes your shirt give them your coat too, give to everyone who begs from you, if someone steals from you don't ask for it back and to offer mercy as freely as God offers it to us. WOW...what a daunting, seemingly un-liveable list of commands. How are we ever to hope of living these?

There's only one way...Jesus. This is yet another example of our dire need for Jesus to live in our hearts and shape the way we view the world...through His eyes. I can never hope to achieve this kind of heart on my own but Jesus can CHANGE my heart to be more like His and offer me the ability to achieve His commands.

2 things to focus on Jesus and love others. I've often heard of using the J.O.Y. principle in prioritizing your day. 1st is Jesus, 2nd is Others & 3rd is You...(J.O.Y)

Implement the JOY principle today & experience the joy & peace of walking with your eyes on Jesus.

Blessings for your day, be sure and spend at least 5 min in His Word & as Bill & Ted excellent to each other!

Hong Kong skyline...part of it anyway

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