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Writer's pictureDan Potter


Happy Sunday! It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Fort Worth & Marge & I are so excited to be worshipping at Southcliff this morning after 6 weeks away serving in Florida. I pray you all are part of a local body of believers where you can plug in, worship & serve others.

This morning in the 5MC (5 Minute Challenge) I continued on in Mark 12:1 thru 13:31. In the latter Jesus is telling of the closing of the age & His second coming. In verse 31 He says "the heaven & Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Wow, what a statement. Think about something in our world today that you can rely on 100% and it will NEVER let you down. People, relationships, jobs, you could keep on naming things & they will eventually all disappoint or fail you at some time. But Jesus tells us His Words are true, trustworthy, and are the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. They will never pass away. You can depend on the word of God to equip you & complete you (2 Tim 3:16-17) but only if you invest time to read it. Invest in the 5MC today & invest in the Word of our Living God.

Blessings for your day & pray for each other.

Maui youth camp 2017, Keanae peninsula, Maui.

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