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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter


Aloha ya'll! In my 5MC this morn, continuing on in the book of Mark, Jesus has been arrested and is now before the council for trial. In Mark 14:55-56 it reads "Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, but they found none. For many bore false witness against Him but their testimony did not agree."

I think we have all been accused at one time or another, the question it true? It reminds me of a story of where a new young preacher has started as Pastor at a small town country church. He wasn't being accepted by the entire congregration and so he seeks the wise council of a church elder. He tells the elder, "there's alot of false rumors flying around about me, what do I do?" The elder calmy replies, "be glad none of them are true!"

This is where Jesus finds himself, before the council, being tried but completely innocent. In fact He is the only perfect sinless person to ever walk the face of the Earth, so naturally they could find no wrong in Him.

This is a great lesson in how we should live. The next time someone speaks poorly of us is it true or do we live in a way that it has to be false? Live a life focused on the perfect example of Jesus, strive to be like Him and the next time accusations come flying at you, rest easy and simply say, I'm so glad they're not true!

Blessings for you day & may you walk in the joy of the Lord!

Lahaina Baptist "church fellowship"

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