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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter


Happy 4th of July! I hope you all have a day filled with the 5 "f's", friends, food, fun & firecrackers!

This morning in my 5MC I finished up the book of Mark and in chapters 15 & 16 read of the cruxifixion, death & resurrection of Jesus, the basis of Christianity. He is risen! The very first thing that happens after Jesus takes His last breath is the temple veil was torn. What a beautiful symbol this is, lets look closer.

In the Old testament the temple had many parts but the most sacred part was the Holy of Holies. Only the ark of the covenant rested there and it represented Israel's special relationship with God. Once per year on Yom Kippur or the day of atonement, the high priest, the only one allowed inside, would enter and sprinkle a blood sacrifice to atone for the sins of the people. It was a place so holy that the high priest would wash himself, burn incense to let the smoke cover his eyes from God and would even tie a rope around his foot so if God struck him down the other priests could pull him out as they would not dare enter to get him! At the entry to the holy of holies was a veil. A huge, heavy piece of thick blue, purple & scarlet woven fabric. (Ex 26:31-35) The veil separated the glory of God from the people as God is too pure to look upon the darkness of sin. It was said to be as thick as a mans hand and that a horse tied to each side could not tear it.

As Jesus took His last breath on the cross the veil was torn from top to bottom. (Mark 15:38) This is to symbolize that Jesus' coming allows us direct access to God without a priest to intercede on our behalf. Today you have access to the God of the universe and the creator of everything because Jesus took the penalty for our sins on the Cross.

God speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer. Call upon the God of the universe today to praise Him for His grace and mercy & He will bless you with the joy, peace, knowledge & wisdom you need today to live & serve Him.

Blessings for your day & don't eat too many hot dogs! May God Bless America!

Marge picked these out of the church yard!

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