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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Narrowing your Search ~ Amos 5

“Seek Me and live; do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba…Seek the Lord and live.” Amos 5:4-6a

The clip clap of the hooves led us in their rich rhythmic harmony upon the wet cobblestones. The scene that I was afforded from the carriage was one of classical French architecture, towering historical monuments, and picturesque flower-filled parks, all laced together with the sweet calling aroma of nearby beignets. The place was New Orleans, the year was 2005, an ominous few months before hurricane Katrina altered the city’s landscape for decades. Margie and I were on our first trip to the Big Easy and were enjoying our adventure by exploring with a carriage ride through the heart of the French Quarter. All of this was rebirthed into my memory recently as this photo popped up on my computer, the sights and sounds flooding back into my memory as if they happened yesterday. I even remember the horse’s name, Dixie. Yet what got my attention in the photo after the hundredth time of seeing it, was what Dixie wore upon her head…blinders.

Horses have an amazing field of vision, almost 350 degrees. As a result they are bombarded with visual stimuli from almost every direction, much of it interpreted as either a threat, a form of temptation, or just plain distraction from duty. So in an effort to reduce the stimuli input, small patches of leather are attached to the halter which limit the horse’s field of vision to only straight ahead. The principle being as simple as pie, what the horse doesn’t see can’t distract or startle them. And folks, the blinders principle doesn’t only apply to horses, but to us in our Christian walk as well. The principle being to reduce our field of vision to only straight ahead as we seek to eliminate all unnecessary visual stimuli that will only threaten, tempt, or distract us from our Christian duty. And as I studied through Amos chapter 5 this morning, the blinders parallel hit me like a sucker punch. And of all verses, this one from Proverbs made the connection:

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

Our study verse delivered by the good prophet Amos cuts at the quick. Simple, deep, and untold power contained in a simple four words. “Seek Me and live.” Focus deeply on the word seek there in that verse. You see, God is easy to find, but you must be the one doing the looking. And as you do go on your search to find that coveted personal relationship with the only Son of God, Jesus Christ, your eyes will encounter much more than just what they’re looking for. And this is just what God is addressing here in Amos chapter 5. Wandering eyes resulting in wandering hearts. You see, after the fall of king Solomon, the son of King David, the kingdom of Israel split in two. The city of Judah was established in the south and the city of Israel existed in the north. But even though the people of God split, it didn’t mean God did. His temple, and His Holy presence never moved, remaining in Judah. Yet as it came time to offer the required sin sacrifices to the Lord, the peoples of the north got lazy and created new temples to the Lord that were closer, easier, and more convenient. And the locations of these substitute temples? The very Bethel, Gigal, and Beersheeba mentioned in our study verse. And what a great stumbling block these false temples were for the following generations that learned to prefer convenience and ease in their worship over genuineness and obedience.

God was acutely aware of the worldly distractions offered to the hearts that lived during the Old Testament and He is just as acutely aware of the worldly distractions offered to our hearts today. As you seek the Lord today, what distractions are reaching your eyes first? Because of technology we are the most reached generation that has ever existed. Through the internet, TV, and our cell phones, it is estimated that the average person today is bombarded with between 6,000-8,000 ads per day. And whether they are wanted or not, they are being placed before your eyes and thrust into your psyche. It’s also estimated that the average US adult today watches around 4 hours of TV per day. That’s approximately 28 hours a week of stories, situations, images, language, and new cultural norms being carefully placed before your eyes and heart. And how about this one, the average US teen in 2021 spent an average of 5 hours on their cell phone every day. And don’t even get me started on the untold influence of social media. Considering all of this this data, can you even begin to imagine the visual stimuli that is barraging our eyes and eventually our hearts. Folks, from extreme violence, to limitless pornography, to fear, to anger, to retribution, to untold evil towards authority figures and anyone else that disagrees with our opinions, we are being overwhelmed with messages that are finding valuable purchase where they should not…in our hearts. Considering that God’s Word says everything flows from our heart, the question for us today is…what is being placed in your heart dictating what then flows out of it?

Today, be ever so careful what you allow before your eyes as what the eyes behold grant instant access to the heart. Above all else, guard your heart. Just as Dixie was protected from her own wandering eyes, strive to wear Godly blinders today, being ever so careful that your wandering vision is kept to straight ahead. Because as you seek to become ever closer to your Savior, Jesus Christ, you must be ever vigilant with just exactly where you’re searching. Narrow you search, don’t wander over to Gilgal or Bethel, for they will promise you everything but deliver you nothing.

May your seeking of the Lord today see you find just that and nothing more.

If you’re reading this you’re being prayed for ~ Dan

dreams silhoutted in orange, Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico

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